I read this post on Thought Catalog yesterday and of course I had to make my own list. Disregarding the obvious things such as world peace, an end to poverty and hunger, health and happiness for all, here is my off-the-top-of-the-head list:
- a nap
- someone to bring me a cup of tea and a homemade cookie
- a hot tub (thinking ahead – it’s way too hot right now)
- rain
- a huge bouquet of fragrant lilacs on my desk
- to be able to snap my fingers or twitch my nose and have the whole house instantly spotless
- a full-time gardener to keep me supplied with fresh flowers and produce, as well as keep the whole property pretty.
- to attend a NIN reunion concert
- a turntable
- The Grateful Dead boxed set
- a long weekend in San Francisco
- a massage
- to be fluent in French
- a telescope
- to attend Mardi Gras
- a hammock
- a screened-in balcony with a day bed for naps and such
- to live in New Orleans
So what would be on your list? Write a blog post with your list and leave me a link in the comments, or just write your list in the comments. Remember, keep it light. We are going to assume we all want world peace. 🙂
wfbdoglover says
1) I am going to copy #5, 6, #17 and most importantly #7
2) 70 degree weather 9 months of the year and no -0 degree winters
3) my perfect dog to live for ever and ever (he will be 13 in Novemeber)
4) Enough money to live on so I could go back to school full time, instead of work full time.
5) No need to get into a discussion but some how some way, I want health care for everyone.
Bossy Betty says
I just kept reading your list and shouting, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I need to stop now. My neighbors are starting to talk.
Cherie says
Hmmm…naps mentioned twice. I sense a theme here. I'm pretty sure my own list would have nap at the top of the list. Right now, it might be THE top 5 items.
Deanna Piercy says
wfbdoglover: Good list! I love the weather one. And #5.
Bossy Betty: "Let's give them something to talk about" is our family theme song. Ha!
Cherie: Ha! I hadn't even noticed that about the naps but it's rather telling, isn't it?