I am thankful for central heating and air conditioning. Our unit was close to 30 years old and we’d had a few repairs in recent years so we decided to replace it before it conked out at some inopportune moment — like during a heat wave or ice storm. David sought out two estimates, picked the best and placed the order for a new air conditioner and a heat pump system. This was before summer really kicked in. However this summer was quite a scorcher and LOTS of people in our area needed emergency repairs or replacements when their units went out. Our installation was scheduled a few times but put off because of these emergencies. Which is totally fine. Our unit still worked so of course it made sense that those who were without air got theirs fixed first.
Well, yesterday was finally the day for ours to be installed. I can’t say it was the most pleasant day for me. Three workmen in my house, lots of noise, power tools, etc. And at one point they actually had the audacity to turn on their radio — to country music, of all things. AND one of them was singing along! I kept my Facebook friends amused with my comments about that and played a little Nine Inch Nails upstairs at my computer so I wouldn’t have to hear whatever goofy stuff they were playing.
Despite the noise, mess and general nuisance of having workmen in the house, I must admit they were pleasant and efficient. They completed the installation late afternoon and everything seems to be working well. It’s supposed to be a much more energy efficient system than what we had so I’m hopeful that our electric bills will be more reasonable.
Right now there are many who are still without power in the Northeast and dealing with cold temperatures without heat. Not long ago our friends in New Orleans were without power for over a week due to Hurricane Isaac and had to cope with heat and humidity without air conditioning. Comfortable indoor temperatures are something many of us take for granted most of the time but when I stop and think about it I am extremely thankful for our modern central heat and air conditioning system. Despite our very hot summer I stayed comfortably cool indoors and as winter approaches I am happy to know that we will stay warm and toasty with our new heat pump.
Heat pump in OK? Do you have a fireplace? What is your auxiliary heat? I have a heat pump and I'm NWAR. Be prepared when it gets really cold. Heat pumps can only compensate for a 20 degree difference before auxiliary system kicks in and they don't blow hot air like the older gas systems do so you can't change the thermostat a lot. Set it and leave it or it gets very expensive. This is my first heat pump and I don't like it but it's what the house had. My electric bills are much higher than gas and electric combined were. However, the air conditioner works in the summer
Our house is all electric and this system is supposed to switch to regular electric heat when the heat pump can't keep up. Or something like that. 😉 David discussed it all thoroughly with the contractor so I hope they got it right! We do also have a fireplace which is ducted into the heating system and has its own fan. I guess we'll find out this winter if it all works.
That sounds like it will be better than mine. I really don't understand why they did mine like they did. I'm looking into putting in a gas or wood stove to help.
I'm not sure why that posted so many times. I think I have a ghost in my network…weird things happen.