This past Monday I decided to keep track of my day so I could do one of these “Day in My Life” posts. The last time I did one was back in 2013, as I mentioned in my post on Tuesday. There are a few reasons I like to do these:
- It’s fun to look back on them and see what my days were like at a certain point in time.
- Knowing that I’m going to blog about my day tends to make me a little more industrious.
- I’m nosy about how other people spend their days so I figure I should share mine for those who share my curiosity.
I kept a running list throughout the day so I’ll just copy it here.
Dee’s Day ~ January 18, 2016
8:00 a.m. – I was awake off and on from the time David’s alarm went off at 6:30 but didn’t get out of bed until 8. I sleep so poorly that I really need to capture a little extra sleep time whenever I can. After I got up I put on my robe and slippers then did a quick “swish and swipe” of our master bathroom before going downstairs, bringing the sheets from our bed down with me. I fed the fish, put the sheets in the washer, fed the cats and refilled their water, did a quick sweep of the traffic areas of the kitchen and laundry room, weighed myself and then drank a glass of water.
8:25 – My favorite part of the morning: Went to our library, turned on the lamp by my chair and my wide-spectrum light (helps with SAD), plugged in the purple twinkle lights I have around the bookcase and ficus tree. I then sipped my tea while working on my daily to-do list.
8:40 – Read Bible. My grandmother left me her Bible and I’m reading through it, one chapter at a time. I’ve read my own Bible all the way through but wanted to read Grandma’s, too. It is full of little scraps of paper with notes, pictures of kids she babysat, grocery lists, etc. She also underlined things and made notes in the margins. It’s quite a treasure.
8:45 – Meditation. I’m using the Buddhify phone app for this.
8:55 – Read Facebook and continued to sip my tea.
9:20 – Watched a Periscope by Crystal Paine.
9:38 – Played Trivia Crack (David and I always have a game going), looked at Instagram and Flickr, wished friends happy birthday on Facebook.
10:00 – Dressed in yoga clothes, moisturized face, put hair in ponytail, brushed teeth.
10:10 – Shared pre-written post I do each Monday which lists local area events, shared my blog posts, added a link to my Menu Monday post.
10:45 – Walked Shiloh, 30 minutes on treadmill, emptied dishwasher, made more soap nut solution for laundry, made myself another cup of tea.
11:45 – Responded to blog comments, worked on some things for the blog “tribe” I’m in, spent 15 timed minutes reading and commenting on blogs.
1:00 p.m. – Went downstairs to the kitchen to await an expected phone call. While waiting, I started a second load of laundry, emptied waste baskets and washed the dishes. I then had a fairly lengthy phone conversation regarding one of the boards I serve on.
1:45 – Ate lunch.
2:00 – Wrote a blog post, designed a graphic, signed up for a new affiliate, responded to some Facebook messages.
4:45 – Made another cup of tea, folded laundry, re-evaluated my overly ambitious to-do list.
5:15 – David arrived home from work. I made him a cup of tea and we sat in the library and talked.
6:00 – I cooked dinner, we ate, cleaned the kitchen and switched laundry.
7:40 – Back upstairs, I put the clean sheets back on the bed and ironed the pillow cases. I then dealt with a bunch of emails and responded to comments on the blog post I wrote for The Glamorous Housewife.
9:00 – Took a shower and got ready for bed.
9:30 – Made tea for David and myself, watered my houseplants while it was brewing and then we watched an episode of Downton Abbey together.
10:30 – Went to bed and read awhile.
And that about wraps up my day. I’d say that’s a pretty typical Monday for me. I always wash our sheets and water houseplants on Mondays. I try to meditate, read the Bible and spend some time on the treadmill each day. As usual, there was more on my list than I was able to finish. But I did manage to work in several cups of tea. Ha!
I always enjoy seeing how other people organize their day – and am always looking for ways to work smarter and be more productive. I have a handwritten form for my weekly tasks that is similar to your daily one – maybe I’ll share it some day on my blog. 🙂 I would love to watch some of Crystal Paine’s periscopes but since I live out in the sticks, it rarely works for me (even the back up copies on Katch don’t want to play well.)
I’d love to see a day in your life! It’s a shame you can’t see Crystal’s periscopes. We have less than ideal internet but good cell service so I watch on my phone.
Sounds like a very productive day. Thanks for giving us a peek in to your life again. 🙂
I’m always a little more productive when I know I’m going to be blogging about it. Ha!
I’m sure that’s the case for most people! 😉