I’m in mourning. My beloved Google Reader will be phased out soon. <sad face> Apparently Bloglovin is the direction most bloggers are heading so at least for now that’s where I’ll move my subscriptions. In order to add this blog I have to include the following link in a new blog post so here it is:
Do you use Google Reader? If so, what do you plan to replace it with?
Lisa says
Trying BlogLovin but will miss Google Reader. Terribly stressed about losing readers and moving all the blogs I follow.
Here is a petition.
Betty Bird says
I'm trying out omea I had to go to the subscriptions tab in reader copy/paste my list to a notepad jik then take those links and add them to omea but hey I'm realizing how many blogs have died/switched that I hadn't used due to the blogalots! (being lady like here :P)I'm liking it so far.
Deanna Piercy says
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm trying a few different ones to see which I like best. Feedly looks promising.
Jacqui says
I check Google reader daily to follow interesting blogs and I was quite perturbed when I heard this news. I'm trying Feedly to see how that works.
Deanna Piercy says
I think Feedly will be okay but my concern is for bloggers losing a lot of their following. Some just won't seek out and use another service.