My daughter tagged me on her blog, Retro Housewife, so here goes:
Brag About Your Husband
What is his name: David
How long have you been married: It will be 27 years June 20th
How long did you date: Five years (including about a year and half engagement)
How old is he: 46
How old are you: 45
Who eats more sweets: probably David
Whose parents do you see most? mine
Who said I love you first: He did.
Who is taller: He is.
Who can sing better: Me but he keeps saying he’s going to do a solo at church…around 2 p.m. (fortunately church is over around noon).
Who is smarter: We have different types of intelligence.
Who does the laundry: me
Who does the dishes: Me, although he will usually put his own dishes in the dishwasher and if we have had company (and lots of dishes) he will often help me.
Who pays the bills: He does now but I did for most of the first 15-18 years or so of our marriage.
His guilty pleasure: coffee with Bailey’s (this is a new thing for him)
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: He does.
Who mows the lawn: He does most of the time. I like to use the riding mower but I tend to get hives with too much exposure to nature. Plus, he thinks I drive it too fast. You mean there’s something wrong with getting a bit of air over the bumps???
Who has more friends: In real life, about the same but I have lots more online friends.
Besides you, who is his best friend: probably my brother, Dan
Who cooks dinner: me
Who is more stubborn: me
Who kissed who first: He did.
Who asked who out first: He did.
What was your first date: A movie
Who proposed: He did.
Who has more siblings: He does (one sister, two brothers; I have two brothers)
What is your favorite thing about him: He thinks he’s a pirate. (grin)
Lisa Sharp says
Be sure to read my new blog, Justin needs to get better so I stop writing so many blogs each day!!
And he feels somewhat better, he finally got to sleep for a few hours this afternoon after getting his fever to break. He still is running a high fever but not as bad and he is up now playing video games on the computer so guessing that is a good sign.