If you click on the picture it will take you to my Flickr page where I’ve labeled each of the items. Just in case you’re nosy like that. There should have been celery and 20# of apples but they didn’t come in.
After I picked up my order, I drove back to town, got gas in the car and ran by the organic bakery where I picked up a couple of tomatoes and apples. Then I went home where this is what greeted me:
Isn’t our driveway pretty right now?
I put away all the food and then over the next few hours I did normal household tasks and prepared the agenda for one of the meetings I had tonight.
First up, at 5:30 p.m., was the board meeting for our area homeless services. I have only served on this board for perhaps 10 months but in that time I’ve become acutely aware of how much need there is in our community. Our monthly allotted funds for emergency shelter were depleted in the first two days of the month. Two days. Because we don’t have homeless people begging on our streets, people tend to be unaware of just how much of a problem we have. It may not be visible to the casual observer but it exists. Even though our unemployment rate is not as high as many other areas of the country, it’s a little misleading. Many who are struggling to keep a roof over their head do have a job but their hours have been cut back and since wages are quite low here, this is especially devastating. These folks don’t show up on the unemployment rolls but they are at great risk of homelessness. It’s overwhelming at times but I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a part of an organization that is trying to address the problem.
Next up was the monthly board meeting of our local campus ministry. I’m just finishing up my two-year term as board Chair and after the first of the year I’ve decided to take a one-year break from the board. I’ve served for a number of years now and I’ve enjoyed it. However, I want to focus a bit more on the homeless organization this coming year. Plus, I was just named to our community’s brand new Multiculturalism Committee and I look forward to all that will entail. Not to mention, I’m still a member of our local recycling coalition, as well as serving on our church’s worship committee. I think that’s enough for now. 😉
So here I sit, sipping a glass of wine and looking back on my day. I’m tired and there are a number of things I had hoped to do today that didn’t happen. But overall I feel good about my day. I added to our stock of food for the winter, did the basic, daily household chores and lent my services to two organizations I feel passionately about.
When I arrived home late this evening I was tired and looking forward to winding down for the night. But as I got out of the car I looked up at the sky, something I often do, and was struck by the beauty of one of those especially starry nights. Out here in the country, where we are not subject to the light pollution of streetlamps, we are often treated to one of nature’s most glorious displays. It was cold but I stood there for several moments simply enjoying the glories of heaven. Somehow it felt as though I was being given a special treat and I felt gratitude.
November thankfulness:
I am grateful for the opportunities I have to be an active member of my community and hopefully to help make a difference.
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