Sometimes the “world is too much with us” and I long for simpler times. And yet I also love modern technology. How does one embrace a simple life in these modern times? How do we achieve balance? I have been blessed with several women in my family to whom I look for guidance in various…
My One Word – 2014
Chances are you’ve heard of the “one word” thing which has been making the rounds the past few years. The idea is that instead of making a list of New Year’s resolutions (or perhaps in addition to those) you choose a word to inspire you for the coming year. For 2011 I chose focus. And then…
I signed up for and attended my first yoga class last night. I was initially pleased to note that I fell approximately in the middle in terms of weight and that there were no men. Until the very last moment before class started and in walked, not only a man, but someone I know. Damn….