I want to live with the Waltons for about a week. I want to walk barefoot to Ike Godsey’s General Store to buy a penny’s worth of candy. I want to daydream while swaying gently in the tire swing. I want to help Livy and Grandma bake pies and then hold hands around the table while Grandpa says grace. I want to visit the Baldwin sisters and sample “the recipe”. I want to sit on the front porch as night descends on Walton’s Mountain, listening to the crickets and the voices of the family calling goodnight to one another from windows open to the summer breezes. Yes, for about a week I’d like to visit the Waltons.
It was just one of those off-hand postings so I was rather surprised when over 40 people “liked” it, several commented and one acquaintance from high school shared it on her own page. Maybe I’m not the only one who sometimes wishes life could be lived at a slower pace.
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