One of my main goals for 2016 is to improve my health. I have so many things I want to do and places I want to go. But without good health and sufficient energy these things will be difficult to do. I also have a very strong family history of auto-immune diseases and some indications that I may not have escaped the family *curse* in this regard. Some things are out of my control but I can certainly do my best to be as healthy as possible.
So that’s where my “7 Day Health and Fitness Challenge” comes in:
It’s always more fun to do this sort of thing with friends so I decided I would offer an opportunity for others to join me as I kickstart my “healthy year” with a 7 day challenge. Now, don’t worry; this isn’t one of those boot camp things that will leave you feeling like a wet noodle at the end of each day. In fact, if you are already in good shape…if you run 5 miles a day…if you eat clean and are the picture of health and vitality, this challenge isn’t for you. Although if you’d like to encourage the rest of us I’m all for it!
No, this particular challenge is for beginners. If your idea of exercise is getting up between episodes of Downton Abbey to make yourself another cup of tea, this is for you. That’s not to say that those who are a bit further along the fitness path can’t benefit. In fact, while I will give specific goal suggestions you will be encouraged to modify these to fit your own circumstances. It will be very flexible.
Here’s how it will work:
Sign up for the challenge and you will receive ONE email per day starting this Sunday, January 10th. The challenge begins Monday morning. There will be an introductory email explaining the challenge and including a link to a free download so you can track your progress. Then each day there will be a short email with reminders, encouragement, inspiration and helpful information. You are encouraged, but not required, to respond to each email telling me if you have met the challenge that day. Many of us do better with this sort of thing if there is some sort of accountability to someone else.
If enough people participate and are interested, I will consider extending the challenge. So if you could use a little kick in the pants to start getting in shape and living a healthier lifestyle, I urge you to join me. And tell your friends – the more the merrier!
And if you aren’t already subscribed to my regular weekly email, you may sign up below:
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