I had meant to post something about my blogoversary this year but as usual, I let the day slip by unnoticed. And I even have one of those “Blogoversary in ___ days” widgets on my blog. Oh, well. May 5th marked the 6th anniversary for Tea With Dee. In those 6 years I’ve written 887 posts here. I’ve shared some personal things, posted lots of pictures, and to a certain extent have journalled our family’s life. Sometimes I get in the groove and post a lot, putting a lot of effort into it. Other times life and circumstances take over and quality posting wanes. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood to share my thoughts or I’m still processing things before I decide how to say what’s going on in my head.
That’s sort of where I’ve been lately but I feel a writing surge coming on. It will have to wait until after next weekend, though. We will be hosting our 5th annual Happyland Music Festival and are expecting around 100 people hanging out, camping, dancing, grilling and enjoying the music here all weekend. Please say a little prayer for our poor neighbors. Like, maybe, that they will all decide to spend the holiday weekend at the lake?
This is going to be a busy week for us as we prepare for the weekend so it’s likely that my posting will be sparse. And along those lines, I’ll finish this quick post with a couple of pictures.
Friday as I was walking Shiloh, I spotted something orange. It seems that a rather nondescript tree I’d never paid any attention to is an apricot tree and it decided to bring forth fruit for the first time. There were already a couple of dozen apricots on the ground and the one’s clinging to the branches were dead ripe. I picked a couple to try although I didn’t have high hopes for them. I like a really good apricot but I haven’t had a really good one in years. It seems they are usually mealy and tasteless. But I cut a piece off one and tasted it. Wow. It was the most delicious apricot I’d ever had. It was so juicy and sweet that it almost tasted like a peach. David helped me pick them and now I have to make time to do something with them tomorrow. Yes, right in the midst of preparations for the music festival, I am going to be making jam or something. But I can’t let these tasty fruits go to waste:
And on a totally random and unrelated note, here is a picture of my new ice cube tray. The ice maker in our relatively new refrigerator isn’t working. Fortunately it’s still under warranty but we are waiting until after next weekend to have a repairman out to fix it. In the meantime, I’m making ice the old fashioned way. I had a cheap plastic tray which I sometimes use to freeze leftover lemon juice or wine and I used it for several days. However, I don’t really like the idea of plastic touching my food or ice. So I ordered this beautifully made stainless steel version:
Yes, I just ordered one. It was $29.95! But it should last forever. I may order another at some point but in the meantime I’m making ice cubes and transferring them to the ice maker a few times a day. It’s not a huge deal but it sure does make me appreciate an ice cube maker.
And that is all I have time for today. We have someone coming to give us an estimate on replacing our air conditioner and he should be here any minute! (And please ignore any mistakes as I don’t have time to proofread.)
Toriz says
OMG! I've literally been blogging 2 more days than you!
As part of my bloggerversary celebrations, I kicked off a giveaway that lasts until the end of the month. It's going that long because May has my hubby's birthday (May 2nd), my bloggerversary (May 3rd), our wedding anniversary (May 22nd) and Kero the Westie's birthday (May 23rd). If you're interested, you can find the giveaway here: http://ziglernews.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/is-for-anouncement.html
That's great about the apricots; a good one should taste almost exactly like a peach. There's only a slight difference in the tastes of a good peach and a good apricot. Now I want an apricot, LOL!
Hope everything goes well on the weekend. 🙂
Toriz says
Forgot to make it a working link… Here you go:
Rebecca says
Happy Anniversary! Now I'm interested and must go check to see when mine is.
jaci says
Mine was the first part of April. I always miss it, too.
I want to know what you made with those beautiful looking apricots?? I don't usually like apricots, either, and for much the same reason.
Keep on blogging!
Cherie says
Happy Blogoversary! Although I'd like to commemorate my own blogoversary when it rolls around, I'm not good about keeping track of such things.
The ice cube tray brings back memories of the ones we had when I was a little girl and the idea of an ice maker was a space age dream.