Update: The winner has been selected! Click here to see who it is. Thank you to all who participated!
I Am A Reader Not A Writer is hosting a Jane Austen giveaway hop and since I’m a Jane Austen fan I thought I’d join up. I’ve never done a giveaway before but there’s no time like the present (pun intended).
Here is what I’m giving away:
I looked at several different Austen-inspired books but since this is Tea With Dee, I thought “Tea With Jane Austen” was a perfect choice.
Here are the rules, although as a pirate I prefer to think of them as guidelines:
- Leave me a comment telling me which Austen novel is your favorite. Or if you haven’t read any Austen, which one you would most like to read first. Be sure to include an email address so I can contact the winner.
- Follow this blog and/or the Tea With Dee Facebook page.
That’s it! And this giveaway is open to international readers, too. So enter yourself and share with all of your friends.
“There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.”
Jane Austen
Jane Austen
*I’m dedicating my first giveaway in memory of Nancy Myers, a dear friend who loved Jane Austen with a passion. Nancy, I miss you every day.
Just to be clear, in order to enter my giveaway, leave a comment below. If you have a blog and want to host a Jane Austen giveaway, join the linky above.
Aimee says
I know I have read a Jane Austen book, but it was so long ago I cannot remember. I think the Jane Austen Cookbook would be delightful as well.
Anonymous says
I stalk you on facebook mwah ha haa!! ;P
Patricia Snodgrass says
I studied Victorian Literature in Grad School, but unfortunately I didn't get to read Jane Austin. I'd love to do so. I'd like to start with Pride and Prejudice. My lama loves the books and the films as well and often talks about them. I'm eager to get reading 😀
wfbdoglover says
I would have to go with the cookbook as well. I am obsessed with recipe collecting!
My mom is a huge fan!
Faith Hope Cherrytea says
ooo lovely Deanna!
Great giveaway choice 🙂 I'd def LuV that win !!
My fave JA is Persuasion – gotta have some of that Cptn Wentworth depth and oh that letter writing… !!
You are so quick w/ this post & I'm soooo swamped w/ prep for a Christmas craft show nxt wknd, I'm glad you reminded me 🙂 bless you & have a ton of fun w/ this.. 🙂
Faith Hope Cherrytea says
following here,fb & forever tea friend of course!!
Lúthien84 says
I have not read this book so thank you for giving away Tea with Jane Austen and making it international too. 🙂
My favourite is a tie between Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice. I 'like' your FB page as Sylvia Claire Chan.
Cinta García de la Rosa says
My favourite book is Persuasion. I have always loved Anne's character and her perseverance at loving Captain Wentworth.
Thanks for this giveaway!
I am liking your FB page as Cinta García.
Terri says
Pride and Prejudice is my favorite…I love Jane Austen so much I'm even delving into the books and movies with Jane Austen in the title written because of their influence upon authors. The latest was Mr. Darcy, the Secret of Becoming a Gentlemen…Quite good!
Margaret Literary Chanteuse says
Pride and Prejudice is my favorite! Thank you for the giveaway! Following on facebook.
Heather M. says
I'm a big Jane Austen fan, but I love tea, too, so I'm glad I found your blog!
My favorite Austen novel is Pride and Prejudice. Not terribly original, I know, but it's a wonderful book.
I like you on facebook!
Heather M.
Amy Sturgeon says
Love, love, love Jane Austen! And I'm so excited, because our homeschool co-op is performing my favorite, Pride & Prejudice, this fall! 🙂
JuneA** says
Persuasion is my favorite–the letter *sigh*! I haven't read Tea with Jane Austen-sounds like a fun read!
RedRose15 says
Definitely Pride & Prejudice! (Persuasion is a close second)
Love Jane Austen!
This sounds like a fun, cute read!
susied says
Persuasion is my favorite Austen book. I just love Capt. Wentworth and can he write a letter!
I've had this contest book on my wishlist for a long time now. Looks like alot of fun!
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.
phioniray says
This is such a great giveaway. <3
I love Pride and Prejudice the most. It's a beautiful novel. 🙂
I follow you via GFC as phioniray.
Aline Tobing says
My fave Austen's novel would be Pride and Prejudice 🙂
GFC follower under Aline Tobing
Facebook follower under Aline Tobing
AmelArmeliana says
I'm a super big fan of Jane Austen. I had already read almost of her books. I adore her books. My most favorite one is Pride and Prejudice, following by Emma, Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion and Mansfield Park. Well, Mansfield Park didn't excite me as others of her books. The hero, Edmund Bertram, he's kinda weak. But still it is a good book.
Thank u for this awesome giveaway.
Followed by GFC, Amel Armeliana
Facebook, Amel Armeliana
Email : amel(dot)armeliana(at)gmail(dot)com
Maureen Timerman says
There are so many good ones, but I'll say Pride and Prejudice.
I follow your FB page..Maureen Shea Timerman.
kaya says
I really like Jane Austen, as a woman and as a writer.
My favorite Austen's book is Pride and Prejudice. I love every single character; they're all so real and intense!
Second place to Persuasion and third place to Mensfield Park 😀
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I follow you via GFC as kaya
email: kaya_kuro.neko@yahoo.it
warisha_jayanti says
I love Pride & Prejudice!
I followed via Linky : warisha_jayanti@hotmail.com
Thank you for this giveaway!
Angela Holland says
I would like to read Pride and Prejudice. Thank you for the chance to win
griperang at embarqmail dot com
I am a gfc follower – griperang
Monja Blue says
Pride and Prejudice! Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
Monja Blue says
Longtime follower in GFC!
Monja Blue says
Liked you on FB, too!
Alicia says
I love Pride and Prejudice 🙂
Thanks for having the giveaway!
I'm an email subscriber – dmr8888 at yahoo dot com
Sophia Rose says
Persuasion is my favorite.
GFC: Sophia Rose
sophiarose1816 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Susan Heim says
Pride & Prejudice is my favorite!
smhparent [at] hotmail [dot] com
Susan Heim says
I follow the Tea With Dee Facebook page. (Susan M. Heim)
Tressa says
My favorite is Pride and Prejudice. GFC-Tressa
tressa dot sherman at hotmail dot com
books first love says
FB page: Andra Mary
My favorite is Sense and sensibility 🙂
Jennifer Haile says
My favorite is Pride and Predudice!
GFC follower: Jennifer Haile
volta2173 at sbcglobal dot net
izz says
I haven't read any of her books, but I would love to read the famous Pride an Prejudice ^^
GFC follower, under name : izz
Liked the facebook page, under name : Pingle Alexandrov
tweeted the giveaway : https://twitter.com/pingle2/status/259635309002768384
pinglecoon at gmail dot com
Abby says
Shamefully only read Pride and Prejudice so far so that is my fave!
FB follower as Nikki O
Thanks for this!
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
The Every Free Chance Reader says
My favorite is Pride and Prejudice. I try to read it once a year.
I follow your blog via GFC (The Every Free Chance Reader)
Jesse Kimmel-Freeman says
I love P/P and Emma. I love her stories and characters.
GFC martian girl
Anubha says
my favorite is P & P…
i follow via GFC- Anubha
Ash says
I just loved Pride and Prejudice! The story was perfect for words, not to mention the charming Mr.Darcy!
Thanks for the international giveaway.
GFC Follower- Ashfa Anwer
Liked your FB page- Cricket Purists NZ
e-mail- blackcapballistics(at)gmail(dot)com
lucaseth says
Having a great time following the hop…
My favorite JA changes with my mood..Persuasion,Emma and Pride and Prejudice are my top 3
I follow by email
Thanks for the giveaway..
off to the next stop
sweety says
I love Pride and Prejudice 😀
Thanks for the international giveaway!!
GFC name – sweety
ZaraAlexis says
I've always enjoyed SENSE & SENSIBILITY and PRIDE and PRJUDICE! Thanks!
Zara Alexis
ZaraAlexis says
I liked your FB page: Zara D. Garcia-Alvarez
Chelsea says
I follow with GFC as Chelsea
The only actual Jane Austen book I have read so far is Pride & Prejudice and I loved it. I have read variations of some of the others but not the originals.
Szappanbubi says
:)Sooo curious about that book -love your association with the titles 🙂
My fave is Emma!
FB follower: Szabina Luzics
porcukorborso at gmail dot com
vicjbr says
i followed gfc vicky brinius
vicjbr says
pride and predjudice is my fav, !!!
Danielle says
Persuasion is my favorite, you can't beat Capt Wentworth's letter. 🙂
I follow via email.
Daniel M says
pride and prejudice – regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Wellard says
My favourite book is Persuasion. I have always loved Anne's character and her perseverance at loving Captain Wentworth. Thanks for this giveaway! I am liking your FB page as Cinta García. cintaenglish(at)gmail(dot)com
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