I’ve been in a bit of a slump the past couple of months. But my daffodils are blooming so that gives me hope that springtime and my missing motivation are on the horizon. I’ve been reading and listening to and watching some of my favorite time management and productivity sources in the hopes my spark will return.
It seems that most people I’ve talked to about this recently have admitted that they have been experiencing the same lack of motivation. Maybe it’s the long, grey winter. I’m solar powered so the lack of bright, sunny days definitely takes its toll on me. If you’ve been dealing with the same issue and could use some help in the time management and productivity department, I’ve collected some of my favorite resources for you (and me!).
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First up, I’m trying to remind myself that I’ve been productive in the past so there’s definitely hope. I’ve written about these topics here on the blog so there’s proof.
A few of my posts on time management, productivity and routines:
- Time Management Toolbox
- 9 Steps to Take Control of Your Day
- 5 Ways to Create a Better Day
- A Weekly Planning Session
- Mid-Year Review
- Resource List For Goal Setting
- How To Create Your Own Homemaking Binder
And then there are the books I’ve found helpful:
LWD Recommended Books:
I definitely don’t have all the answers, though, so I’m always looking to others for advice:
How to time block your day and achieve balance by My Sweet Home Life
5 Things to Do When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed by Retro Housewife Goes Green
Quiet Your Inner Critic With a Weekly Plan by Everyday Savvy
16 Mom-Tested Time Management Tips by Organizing Moms
My favorite productivity podcast – The Productive Woman
I had the pleasure of interviewing Laura McClellan – The Productive Woman:
Amy Landino is one of my favorite YouTubers and she has many wonderful videos on productivity, time management, daily routines and more. This one on time batching is excellent:
For me, the key to kicking my butt back into gear is getting my morning routine under control again. I’ve been sleeping too late (because I go to bed too late) and then piddling around for too long. Before I know it I’ve wasted a couple of hours (or more!) of prime morning time. I’m determined to change that, however. If anyone reading this needs to do the same and would like an accountability partner, email me or leave me a comment. I’m definitely open to this possibility!
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