Happyland Music Fest ’11
In just a few short hours the 5th annual Happyland Music Fest will kick off in our backyard. Tents will be erected, burgers will be grilled and music will fill the air. (I am just hoping all our neighbors have decided to go to the lake for the weekend.) What started as one evening of music with about 30 people has expanded to a full weekend, two nights of music, and probably somewhere around 100 people. This year there will even be an independent film premier after the music tonight.
A lot of planning and hard work goes into putting on a music festival and we still have some setting up to finish this afternoon. But at 7 p.m. the first musician will start and for the rest of the weekend we will all bask in the glory that is Happyland.
There will be pictures to share later…after we have recovered a bit. But I wouldn’t plan on that until at least next Tuesday. I hope everyone has a wonderful, fun and safe Memorial Day weekend!
Hope everything goes well
Thanks, it was great! To have that many people spend a weekend together in tents and everyone still love each other when they leave is really quite amazing.