I’m so glad last week is over and I’m determined that this one will be better. Among other *events*, last Thursday evening our son was riding bikes with friends and the front wheel came off. He chipped his two top front teeth and has numerous abrasions. Overall he was very lucky but when you hit concrete with your face, eating becomes a challenge for awhile. I’ve been making various soups and pureeing things he can sip through a straw. He can also eat (very slowly) things like mashed potatoes, cottage cheese and applesauce. It will be at least a couple of weeks before they can start the repair of his teeth so he’ll be on soft foods for awhile. If you have any favorite soup recipes, please let me know. I’m thinking of spending a few hours making up several different types and freezing in individual portions so he can have some variety from day to day.
Now, on to our menu for this week!
- Cheesy rice and ham casserole
- tossed green salad
- French style green beans
- glazed carrots
Last night I attended a going away party (David got called to a fire just as we were leaving) where the meat was provided and everyone brought a side dish. I made a large pan of organic brown rice topped with sharp cheddar cheese. About a fourth of it was left so I brought it home. The hostess, who knew that David was out fighting a fire, insisted on sending home some of the leftover ham for him. Even after he ate some last night and I made a ham and cheese sandwich for his lunch, there was a little left. I’m going to dice it and add it to the leftover rice, grate more cheese on top and heat it up for our main dish tonight. The green beans and carrots were leftovers from this weekend so this will be an easy meal. I’ll be making a thin potato soup from leftover mashed potatoes for Chris’ dinner. Poor guy…
- Pancake supper at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Tuesday is Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday, depending on your perspective. In any case, pancakes are traditional on this day and we will be attending the annual Pancake Supper at a local church. It’s a fund raiser for United Campus Ministry, for which I am the board president.
- homemade macaroni and cheese with caramelized onions
- mixed vegetables
- tossed green salad
- homemade bread (hopefully!)
- French toast
- scrambled eggs
- fruit and homemade yogurt smoothies
Chris should be able to eat the eggs and a smoothie.
- Date night!
- tomato bisque soup
- grilled quesadillas
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