Blogelina is hosting a fun event, “My Blogging Space”. Through October 25th you can submit a photo of where you blog and then be entered in a contest with several great prizes. I don’t see mine as anything prize-worthy but I think it’s fun to see other people’s work spaces so I’m entering.
Here is a picture I took this evening:
My desk is in our master bedroom and that is where I blog (although I now have an iPad with keyboard so I might occasionally take my blogging elsewhere). The colors didn’t come out very true but the wall is a pale pink. Hanging above my computer is a painting of our sweet Malory kitty which a dear friend painted for us shortly after we had to have him put to sleep. That item hanging to the left of the painting is my tiara. What? Don’t you have one?
I only need one photo for the contest but I thought I’d share a couple more shots so you can see the details a bit better. Or am I the only one who is nosy enough to be interested in this sort of thing? You don’t have to answer that.
On the left side of my desk I keep several favorite books such as “To Kill a Mockingbird”, “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” and “White Banners”, as well as a book of poetry, some French short stories, a couple of books on writing, and my reading journal. The clipboard holds my blogging calendar. I also have a candle, a shell I picked up from the beach on one of my summer trips to California, and a coaster.
To the right is my old computer. I have some files on it which are not compatible with my Mac but which I occasionally need to access. One of these days I’ll copy them and move them in some fashion – maybe. I also have a candle, cup with pens, pencils and colored markers, a little china dish with miniature perfume bottles and assorted “stuff”, a timer, and a stack of notebooks, tablets and my planner. Above the old monitor is my calendar. Every year I buy one with a Paris theme. Despite having a calendar on my iPhone I still like having an old fashioned calendar on the wall (I have one in the kitchen, too). I’m a very visual person and this just suits me better. Plus I keep all my old calendars which serve as a bit of a journal, in a way.
So that’s where I write this blog. If you’d like to join the contest, here is the link. Please leave me a comment if you join so I can be sure to look for your entry. And even if you don’t join, I’d love to see a picture of your blogging/computing space or you could even just describe it.
I thought I was the only one so curious. I love to see the inside of people's homes!! It's especially fun when it's full of personal things like yours. Thanks for being so generous.
I'm happy to hear I'm not the only one. 😉