*UPDATE: I got the photo uploader to work so here are the pictures I took of Iggy Pup on the evening of his return. The pictures don’t really show how skinny he is but if he’ll stick around, we’ll have him filled out again soon.
Iggy Pup disappeared about a month ago. As a young, as-yet-un-neutered male, we suspected he’d found a female in heat and would return in a couple of days. Unfortunately he did not. I drove around looking for him and did some asking around but to no avail. After about two weeks we faced up to the fact that he was likely gone forever. And then our dear Emily started acting like she didn’t feel well. For two days she simply didn’t act like her usual self and I was planning to see if David could take off work and help me get her to the vet the next day. And then she disappeared. She never went more than 50 yards from the house so when we couldn’t find her, I knew something was wrong. She never returned so she must have gone off to die. Two dogs in less than a month is way more than I wanted to cope with, especially since our 14 or 15 year old cat, Malory, is declining rapidly. I’ve been really sad about all this.
And then this evening Chris hollered upstairs to me, “Iggy is back!”. I ran downstairs and out front. There he was…skin and bones but apparently okay. He still had his collar but he had lost so much weight that it was huge on him. I filled him a bowl of dry dog food and added a whole can which he wolfed down in nothing flat. Then he laid down in the yard and was soon fast asleep. Oh, how I wish he could tell his where he’s been but for now I’m just happy to have him back home. We didn’t exactly kill the fatted calf but we did give him two hot dogs.
*Blogger has changed its photo upload procedure and it’s not cooperating right now. The picture above is the one I took when I first rescued him. I’ll try again tomorrow to post the ones I took this evening.
Oh, I am so sorry about Emily!! That's hard!
Iggy is a HOUND and he probably followed his nose… I do hope you are getting his little "problem" fixed. HEHEHE. It may not change the wandering habit, tho.
I'm glad he came home. 🙂
Iggy is so cute. I'm glad he's home. We lost our dog, Lucky, while we were in Texas for Katrina. We looked and looked and had him posted on a lost and found site there, but, oh well. I hope he found a good home. Anyway, welcome home Iggy!
I'm glad Iggy Pup returned. As Jaci said, he's a hound and that's what they do. Jack, our beagle/basset hound mix who died over this past winter, disappeared quite frequently, mainly during hunting season. He was a neutered male so he wasn't looking for romance. 🙂 He just heard other dogs in the distance and thought he should join them.
I was sorry to hear about Emily. Lisa wrote a beautiful tribute to her.
Thanks. We are just hoping he'll stick around. He was gone most of yesterday but then returned in the early evening. So far, he's still home today. If he'll stay put, he has surgery in his future (shh…don't tell him).
Bryan, I remember when y'all were looking for Lucky. I felt so badly when you couldn't find him before returning to New Orleans. I'm sure you still miss him but you do have some awfully sweet pets now.