Today would have been my grandmother’s 97th birthday. She passed away almost a year ago and if anything, I miss her more as time goes by. A couple of weeks ago I was in an antique store and found myself in tears while looking at household objects which reminded me of her. She was such a huge part of my life and I was blessed to have had her for so long.
Grandma, thank you for your example and your love. I miss you.
P.S. We had an earthquake here about an hour ago. Yes, in Oklahoma. As soon as I felt it I posted about it on Facebook to see if others felt it, too. They did. In fact, it was all over Facebook in a matter of minutes, well before it came out on the news. I just love the fact that Facebook and Twitter now usually have the latest news first. Apparently it was centered not far from Norman and registered 4.5. Someone said it registered 4.2 here in Ada. It was pretty substantial for Oklahoma as it rattled everything in the house for a good 20 seconds or so. Brought back memories of growing up in California.
Isn't it funny how some little thing will remind us of someone loved and now gone and we tear up? Your grandmother must have been a very special lady!
She was indeed and is very greatly missed.