I virtually never watch daytime TV except on some rare occasions in hotel rooms. Each time I am reminded of why I don’t bother at home – there is nothing worth watching. In a way I find that rather sad as I have fond childhood memories of watching morning television during the summer when school…
1950s Housewife
Last week my daughter who blogs at Retrohousewife Goes Green shared a blog with me, Jen But Never Jenn. A couple of years ago Jen had undertaken a two-week experiment of living like a typical 1950s housewife. I spent the better part of two days reading all the entries (she ended up doing a second…
Memory Lane Monday…Bewitched and The Flintstones
Two of my favorite old shows…together! a2a_linkname=”Tea With Dee”;a2a_linkurl=”http://teawithdee.blogspot.com/”;