Today is the first day of Spring and I am delighted. Winter is always a struggle for me but as the days get longer and warmer I begin to perk up, just like these daffodils in our front yard: Springtime also means a haircut for Shiloh: He always acts a little embarrassed at first but…
Like a child…
Welcome back, Spring! I noticed on my walk yesterday that our peach trees are blooming. Today is warm and sunny and nothing makes me happier. Well, unless it’s this: My sweet husband had this gorgeous, blooming lilac bush delivered to me today. Lilacs are very special to me. My grandmother had huge lilac bushes at…
Hope Springs Eternal
Look! Look! The first daffodil of the year! And more to come! David was out of town on business overnight so the task of taking Shiloh on his early morning walk fell to me (I also had to make my own tea this morning – yes, he spoils me). I didn’t check the temperature but…