I took this picture on my way to a meeting this evening: Isn’t that gorgeous? And I didn’t use a filter, either. Tomorrow I’ll tell you all about our Mardi Gras party Saturday night but right now David and I are going to settle in with cups of Earl Grey and watch Downton Abbey. We…
Another “Slow Month” – January 2013
Last January I embarked upon what I referred to as a “slow month”. You can read about it here. Essentially it involved making use of what I already have on hand, learning new skills, being creative and very minimal buying. I found it to be a good challenge for me, so much so that I…
31 Days of Autumn Nesting: Day 17 – Tea Time
It should come as no surprise, considering the name of this blog, that I adore tea. My grandma started me on it as an infant (I’m not kidding) and I’ve loved it ever since. I like iced tea, both sweet and unsweet. And I especially love a properly made cup of hot tea. Earl Grey,…
Sleepless in Happyland
I need this sign in my kitchen: We seem to be taking that sentiment to heart around here. Friday evening was the first round of “Ada’s Got Talent”, the big annual fundraiser for Ada Homeless Services (I serve on the board of directors.). We had 43 acts that first night. The talent was incredible and…
Tea and Crumpets
Okay, so I don’t actually have any crumpets. However, a nice cup (or four) of Darjeeling tea while watching Downton Abbey is a rather nice way to spend a Friday afternoon, don’t you agree?