If you know me at all you no doubt realize that I’m crazy about tea. My grandmother is responsible for this. She gave me my first sips of sweet tea in my bottle at about six months of age thereby curing me of an intestinal illness that had my mother frantic with worry. Obviously…
A couple of “shelfies”
I’m not one to do “selfies” but how about a couple of “shelfies”? These are the bookshelves in our family room. This was a built-in gun case when we bought the house but we are more book people than gun people. David built these shelves for me instead. And these are the bookshelves in our…
Just soak awhile…
When I was a little girl I could walk out my backdoor, quick-step barefoot across the hot desert sand and visit my grandparents who lived around the corner from us. A row of cypress trees separated our yards, a gap in the trees providing a shady spot to cool my feet before running the rest…
Photo-A-Day Challenge: Day 7 “Bright”
The bright glow of fire. I’ve been wanting to toast marshmallows and make s’mores for weeks and we just never seemed to get around to it. Our temperatures are supposed to take a nose-dive later this weekend so I figured now was our chance. We have a burn pit where David tosses wood and branches….