Free printable available here. I’ve been resisting it for a quite awhile but the time has come. I’m going to have to bite the bullet and make a daily schedule for myself. I’ve done it in the past during busy seasons of life: attending nursing school when I had a toddler and kindergartner working as…
Soaking up the sunshine
When I was walking Shiloh this afternoon we emerged from the shade into brilliant sunlight and I stopped dead in my tracks. I lifted my face to the sun, closed my eyes and just stood there…for probably a full minute. It felt so good. I had been planning to start cleaning house as soon as…
Project Of the Week (POW)
I got a “brilliant” idea this morning at about 6 a.m. while I was trying to decide if I’d be able to go back to sleep. David had to leave early and will be away this week on business. That’s when I decided I ought to pick a project to tackle while he’s away. I…
31 Days of Autumn Nesting: Day 2 – First Impressions
As they say, you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. I try to keep that in mind as I do my usual housework. Before I dive into a project like cleaning out a closet, I make sure the house is in reasonably tidy condition – beds made, dishes done, stuff put…
Catching up on cleaning up
Have you ever had one of those days when you look around the house and realize that, for whatever reason, things are not as they should be? Or perhaps that’s the situation every morning? That was the case for me when I started working on this post earlier in the week. Last week was busy…
Domestic Diva – Monday Tasks and Stormy Weather
Do you have a housekeeping schedule? I used to but in the past few years it’s become more of a general routine – a very, very loose routine – than a schedule. As I’ve written here before, I’d like to develop a new routine/schedule but it hasn’t happened yet. I do, however, have a short…
Dee, the Domestic Diva
One of my New Orleans friends is fascinated and impressed by the fact that I iron my pillowcases when I wash my sheets each Monday. So much so that she sent me a link for a job: “Domestic Diva Needed for Advice Blog” It also included doing video blogs. She said I’d be perfect for…
Household Planning Notebook
I’m going to assume you know who the FlyLady is. If not, check out this link. I found her Yahoo Group many years ago when it was just getting off the ground and have followed some of her suggestions and routines off and on ever since. Even though I tend to be naturally neat and…