Last week my daughter who blogs at Retrohousewife Goes Green shared a blog with me, Jen But Never Jenn. A couple of years ago Jen had undertaken a two-week experiment of living like a typical 1950s housewife. I spent the better part of two days reading all the entries (she ended up doing a second…
My day as a 1950s housewife…
While searching for a Leave it to Beaver video clip to share this past Monday, I found myself thinking about what it was like to be a 1950s housewife. I realize that what we saw on television was an idealized view – I’m sure that most housewives didn’t always vacuum in high heels and pearls. …
Memory Lane Monday…Leave it to Beaver
I was sorry to hear of the passing of Barbara Billingsley this past Saturday, October 16th, at the age of 94. She epitomized the ideal mom of the 50s in her role as June Cleaver on “Leave it to Beaver”. Her trademark pearls and heels are often joked about but I must admit there’s a…