If you’re wondering where my weekly menu is, you can find it at my new blog, Dee’s Kitchen. In addition to the menus, you will find all sorts of food-related information, recipes, guest posts, cookbook reviews, etc. Eventually. 😉 Check it out and tell your friends. And if you have any suggestions for what you’d…
Menu Plan Monday and the Week Ahead…
Check out The Organized Junkie for more menu ideas. I simply cannot wrap my head around the notion that Christmas is Friday. THIS FRIDAY! How did that happen??? I finally got the tree decorated last night. Today I will be finishing all the decorating and cleaning the house. Lord willing and the creek don’t rise….
Menu Plan Monday…
Click above for more menu ideas. We did pretty well with our vegetarian eating last week. Chris ended up not being home Friday night so I added bacon to our “breakfast for dinner” meal but otherwise I did meatless meals all week. Lisa and I went to Norman on Thursday and we hit a couple…
Menu Plan Monday…
Click graphic above for lots more menu plans! You may notice something different about our menus. Our son, Chris, has decided to go vegetarian…again. He has done this several times, starting at age 5 when he realized that the cows at Nana’s and Papa’s were the source of the hamburger on his plate. I’ve always…
Menu Plan Monday…
This is going to be a crazy week. I have a two-hour rehearsal tonight for “The Messiah” and then performances Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. On Thursday I am helping with a fund raiser for United Campus Ministry during lunch time and then have church choir rehearsal that evening. Consequently, meals are going to be of…
Thanksgiving Menu…
Visit Menus4Moms.net My friend, Mary Ann, has a Thanksgiving menu on her site, Menus4Moms. If you join the social network on her site you will have access to this delicious Thanksgiving menu for FREE!. Check it out! And if you find that you don’t have time to create your own weekly menus, consider signing up…
Menus and cleaning and packing…oh, my!
I won’t be posting a usual weekly menu because we are leaving for New Orleans on Thursday morning. I’m cooking a big pot of soup today in order to use up any vegetables that might spoil during our time away. Over the next three days we will be eating bowls of that soup and using…