My POW (Project Of the Week) was to decorate for fall. I started yesterday and pretty much finished up today. I still have some things left in my fall decorating box which I may add in the coming days and I do want to get some more pumpkins and some gourds. But for the most…
POW – October 7, 2013
Here it is 10:30 p.m. and I’m just now posting. I meant to have a picture to share but, well, it’s a long story which I may tell later. I’m going to give that “Project Of the Week” thing another go. This week my POW is to decorate for fall/Halloween. If you don’t see pictures…
French Friday ~ Designing My Life
I’ve long been a member (and moderator) of the Yahoo Group, French Chic. Participation has slowed in recent years, probably because of Facebook and other social media options. But several of us are hoping to revive the group because it has, in the past, served an important role in our lives. I’ve…
Project Of the Week (POW)
I got a “brilliant” idea this morning at about 6 a.m. while I was trying to decide if I’d be able to go back to sleep. David had to leave early and will be away this week on business. That’s when I decided I ought to pick a project to tackle while he’s away. I…