The older I get, the more I treasure those simple, yet special moments. Often, they don’t sound like a big deal but if you truly focus on the experience they begin to weave the tapestry of a life well-lived. Yesterday a dear friend drove from the city – an hour and a half away –…
Apollo 11 Moon Landing: Where were you?
Today is the 46th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. If you were alive back then do you remember watching it? I do. I was almost 7 years old and my family was vacationing in Sun Valley, Idaho along with my aunt, uncle and cousins. All five of us kids were outside playing when…
Father’s Day and Family Time
What a lovely day it’s been. Last night we attended a birthday party for one of our musicians at Vintage 22 and didn’t get home until nearly 3 a.m. so today got off to a late start. I had to make a quick trip to the store for a few ingredients and then we had…
Invincible summer
I just took Shiloh for a walk and the soft, warm, night air was a reminder that winter won’t last forever. We’ve had an unusual amount of snow and the dearth of sunshine has taken its toll on me. Yesterday was unseasonably warm and it made me so happy I nearly cried. I know we…