This Week With Dee – where I share our menu, my planned home tasks for the week, what I’m reading, self care plans and more. I hope it will give you some ideas for planning your own week or at least a glimpse of one homemaker’s life.
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How about an upbeat soul vibe for our background music this week? And doesn’t that picture make you wish you were at the beach? Sigh…
- spaghetti
- salad
- bread sticks
- shrimp tacos
- coleslaw
- chips and salsa
- bbq chicken
- baked potatoes
- corn on the cob
- salad
We have a meeting in town at The Lot, an open-air venue with food trucks. We’ll probably eat there after the meeting.
- BLTs (still haven’t made these yet!)
- Crunchy Broccoli Slaw Salad
- chips
- fruit
- soup
- grilled cheese sandwiches
- chicken tenders
- Caesar salad
I did a pretty good job keeping up with the daily “homekeeping” last week and most days was able to fit in a weekly cleaning task as well. We went out of town over the weekend and I was pleased to have been able to leave the house in relatively good shape. Did I get floors mopped? No. But there’s always this week, right?
I have a couple of meetings this week but as far as I know, nothing on the weekend. It’s going to be around 100 degrees so I’m sure we won’t be planning any outdoor excursions. Hopefully I’ll get the house in really good shape Saturday and Sunday. That may be my last opportunity to really focus on the house before our music festival in August.
Between now and AdaFest (August 20/21) I’ll be busy on social media and marketing. If I can get one blog post done a week I’ll consider that a win.
I finished Someday in Paris. It was a fun story. I can’t say it was extremely well-written but I did enjoy it. I’ve started the July book club selection– Writers & Lovers: A Novel – but haven’t gotten far enough to be able to say how well I will like it.
I didn’t play the piano even once last week so I’m keeping that as my self-care focus this week. Hopefully I’ll do better this time!
I’m having issues with heartburn, reflux and some related problems. I have a couple of ideas about what may be causing this so I’m doing some experimenting this week.
We had a very nice weekend in OKC. Our original plans fell though but we still got to spend the night at our favorite OKC hotel – The Skirvin. And then on Sunday we went to the OKCMOA to see the current Painters of Pompeii exhibit. It was pretty incredible.
We’ve had really lovely weather this summer…until now. It’s going to be too hot to spend much time outdoors so we’ll turn our attention to indoor activities. Hopefully we’ll work in at least two movies. Any favorites to recommend?
I am going to refocus on my morning ritual. I’ve allowed other people’s “urgent” to overtake my time first thing in the morning. I’m going to try putting my laptop back in my office each night when I go to bed so I’ll be less likely to sucked into work tasks before I’ve done my morning routine.
What’s on your plan for the week ahead? Home tasks? Menu? Fun?
French Inspired Recipes by Julia Child
Sounds like you had a mostly successful week when it came to the things you wanted to achieve. Hope that holds true for this week too. I don’t envy you the temperatures you’re meant to be having.
We had temperatures up in the 90s last week. It rarely gets hot like that here… The met office issued what I’m told is their first ever extreme heat amber alert warning for the UK (they only usually need to issue amber alerts for storms). We – in particular me and Mollie, since chinchillas are definitely not built for heat – had a hard time of it, to the point where I was relieved when everyone decided it was too hot to do anything, so roleplaying got cancelled, and we decided it was much too hot to go to the beach. I spent most of my week alternating between trying to get what cool air I could out of fans (at one point I had two free-standing fans pointed at me, plus a handheld one I was making use of) and attempting to persuade Mollie to accept some kind of food or drink (I eventually got her to eat some watermelon and a few frozen peas, but that was literally all I could get her to eat, and she didn’t have much of those even). Thankfully it cooled down some in time for me to get Mollie to eat and drink properly before she started getting ill from it, as well as for me to enjoy the virtual tea party over the weekend.
As for this week: Monday I have roleplaying. Tuesday I was meant to also have roleplaying, but the GM is moving so it’s cancelled. Thursday we need to move the fridge-freezer to make room for the second one we’re getting. Friday the other fridge-freezer will be arriving, plus I have Zoom book club in the evening (which I’m facilitating, since the one who usually does is currently away on guide dog training). Then, either Saturday or Sunday, I’m meant to be going with my Dad to check to see what of the non-perishable and frozen items at my aunt’s bungalow are still any good, and if I want any of it (she’s been stuck in England with her family because we’ve been in and out of lockdown, and though Dad’s been checking her mail and forwarding it to her, and cleared out her perishable goods for her, nobody got around to doing the other stuff until now, and since she has so many allergies her food is generally vegan, hence me going to see if anything that’s still edible is any good to me). If it’s Saturday we go there, and they decide they want to go to club, Dad and Kelly might be going to gaming club on Sunday, in which case I’ll try and make it a writing day (in fact, I might try to anyway, even if I only get a short session in because of how things work out, since it’s Lughnasadh, and Lugh is a God of crafts, and writing is my craft).
As for my menu…
Monday: I had enough of what I made on Saturday to make three meals. Usually I’d freeze the third, but since I want to allow as much freezer space as possible for anything potentially still good from Aunty Bev’s stuff, and had roleplaying on Monday, I decided to just have the same thing three days in a row. So, dinner was mushroom bolognese with baked potato and broccoli.
Tuesday: maple tofu burgers with salad.
Wednesday: baked potato with cheese and chives, plus salad.
Thursday: sweet potato and pea fritters with green beans.
Friday: since I’m not going to know until Friday morning exactly when the fridge-freezer is coming, and I have book club in the evening (which I need to be early for due to being the facilitator) I’ll make sure there are leftovers from Thursday’s dinner to just heat up on Friday.
Saturday: since I don’t know which day I’ll be going to Aunty Bev’s with Dad, or what – if anything – I might be bringing back with me, I want something quick and easy. So, I’ll just have baked potato with “cheese” and beans.
Sunday: with still not knowing exactly how the day will go, the possibility Kelly will be gone from mid afternoon to early evening, and also wanting to theme my meal for Lughnasadh, I’ve decided dinner will be some kind of sandwich plus some fresh fruit, since bread is a traditional food for it, as are fruits (especially apples, grapes, and berries).
I really feel terrible for those experiencing unusually hot weather in areas not used to it. The Pacific Northwestern part of the U.S. had a terrible heatwave recently and like y’all, most don’t have air conditioning because they rarely need it. A number of people died and I’m sure pets suffered, too. I’m just so grateful that we have good air conditioning and can stay cool indoors.
I hope your week goes well!
Yeah, I was definitely wishing we had air conditioning, that’s for sure, and I know some places had it even worse.
I know for a fact some pets died over here because some stupid people took them for walks in the heat. Though there was one situation I know of that I found amusing, where a bus driver stopped a guy walking his dog, told him to bring the dog on the bus, asked the guy where he was going, and after learning where the guy lived kicked the guy off the bus and told him he’d meet him there with the dog. The dog got a ride on a nice air conditioned bus while the guy had to finish the walk on foot in the heat. It’s not funny that the guy had the dog out there to start with, but I love how the bus driver handled it.
Good for that bus driver! Some people shouldn’t have pets.
I agree!