It’s a new month and that means it’s time for another installment of our ongoing series – Vintage Menu Plans. I’ve got some rather tasty sounding meals to share for May and hopefully some inspiration for us all as we plan our own menus.
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One of my favorite things about these vintage menus is that most meals contain several dishes. As a cook, I might not be excited about making all of those but I must say that I really do enjoy meals with a variety of dishes. As a kid I LOVED having dinner at one of those old-fashioned cafeterias at the mall after a day of shopping with my mom. For one price you could get as many different items as you desired. I understand the appeal of the one-dish meal, especially in terms of cleanup, but I do love experiencing at least a few different tastes in a single meal.
This is the cookbook where I found these menus (mine is the 1976 edition):
Vegetable Juice Cocktail
Shrimp Asparagus Casserole *
Garlic Bread
Lettuce Salad
Banana Butterscotch Pie
Tomato Consommé de Luxe
Pot Roast with Prunes *
Buttered Carrots and Peas
Green Onions
Cherry Cottage Pudding with Hot Cherry Sauce
Liver Sausage Canapés
Roast Stuffed Chicken *
Baked Potatoes
Buttered Asparagus
Orange and Avocado Salad
Strawberry Parfait
Fruit Cocktail
Stuffed Cubed Steaks *
Au Gratin Stuffed Potatoes
Creamed Onions
Radish Roses, Celery Curls
Chantilly Sponge
Consommé Jardinière
Braised Pork Chops *
Baked Hominy Grits
Zucchini and Tomatoes Au Gratin
Applesauce Relish
Royal Pineapple Cream
Tomato Consommé de Luxe
Baked Stuffed Fish *
Baked Potatoes
Chopped Spinach
Grated Carrots and Cucumbers in Sour Cream
Pineapple Marlow
Celery Cheese Salad
Barbecued Lamb *
Toasted Potato Balls
Parsley New Carrots Julienne
Fresh Pineapple and Strawberries
Coconut Ginger Cupcakes
Barbecued Beef Sandwiches *
Fresh Cauliflower Salad
Ribbon Fudge
Hot Chocolate
Sliced Cold Meats *
Potato Salad in Green Pepper Cups
Bread Sticks
Chocolate Waffles with Ice Cream
Spanish Omelet *
Bran Muffins
Frozen Summer Fruit Salad
Cream of Tomato Soup
Toasted Cheese Sticks
Stuffed Zucchini with Bacon *
Strawberry Fluff Pie
Eggs Baked in Bacon-lined Tomato Cups *
Toasted English Muffins
Orange Marmalade
Strawberry Ice Cream
Cream of Pea Soup
Pimiento Soup Cream
Pineapple Basket Salad *
Baking Powder Biscuits
Chocolate Angel Food Cake
Banana Milk Shake
Sunday Night Supper:
Welsh Rarebit *
Buttered Asparagus
Sliced Tomatoes
Fruit Salad Bowl
Would you like me to make any of the starred recipes? If so, leave me a comment and tell me which one(s) you are interested in. As long as they don’t include mushrooms or nuts (I’m allergic to these) and I can find the ingredients I’ll give it a whirl.
*These recipes are included in the cookbook.
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Previous Vintage Menu Plans:
I love seeing the different options. And, I agree: even if meals with less dishes are very appealing for cleanup’s sake, it is nice to have the different tastes to enjoy. I tend to make a point of planning leftovers for the day after doing something with several different dishes so as to rest from the combination of cooking and cleanup.
Pineapple basket salad sounds interesting…
I have the same cookbook as you know. I have actually made the stuffed cubed steak and will assure you it is delicious!
I’ll have to try it, thanks!
And isn’t that cookbook a delight? I have my eye out for another in good condition at a reasonable price. I’d love to give one to my daughter.