If you are on Facebook you’ve no doubt seen the number game that’s currently making the rounds. Someone lists a certain number of things about themselves and anyone who “likes” the post is then given a number and is supposed to do likewise. I was given the number 12 and since I’m overdo for a blog post I decided I’d share my list here.
- My fellow first graders selected me to play Cinderella in our class play and I got to wear a beautiful dress in it. I felt like a real princess.
- In my senior year of high school I had the female lead in a melodrama. I played Nell Sweetandgood and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.
- I am very ticklish and also easily startled.
- I never, ever wear pajamas. For me it’s nightgowns or nothing.
- I love Mexican food but detest cilantro.
- Music moves me to the very depths of my soul. Sometimes I have tears running down my face while listening to music alone.
- I’m afraid of heights and once made David drive quite a way out of the way to avoid a second trip over a bridge in Colorado. I don’t like winding mountain roads, either. In fact, one of my recurring unpleasant dreams involves mountain roads.
- I had two relatively serious and very painful burns from riding mini-bikes as a kid but that didn’t deter me in the slightest. I loved to ride full-throttle and take jumps.
- My beliefs regarding religion and spirituality have changed, deepened and broadened in recent years but my faith remains the foundation of who I am.
- I don’t know how to drive a stick shift.
- If I’m not actively listening to someone or something, I nearly always have an internal conversation or monologue going on in my head. Sometimes I silently narrate my actions as I go about my day. Or I have detailed daydreams. In other words, I’m a little nuts but I’m never bored. Or lonely.
- I seriously think I would like to have my own commune. Each family would have their own living quarters but there would be a big community building with a commercial kitchen, huge fireplace and lots of comfy chairs and sofas. There would be plenty of room for crafts, art projects, games, etc. There would also be a piano and lots of other instruments. There would not be a television but maybe a pull-down screen for occasional movie nights. There would be a huge community garden and in the summer and early fall we’d can and freeze the produce for the winter. There would be chickens for eggs and a milk cow. Yeah, I’ve thought about this a lot. 😉
What about you? Have you played this little game on Facebook or your blog? If so, I’d love to see your list. If not and you would like to, I’ll give you the number 5 and you can leave your list in the comments.
Melanie says
I loved reading all these things about you! I'll come live on your commune if you have one built. 🙂 I am the opposite of you with the pajamas – I can't stand nightgowns! I am exactly like you with #11…I thought I was the only weirdo that had these internal conversations, lol. Maybe it's because we're introverted.
Terri Cheney says
Uhm…#11…got it right here
Deanna Piercy says
It's good know I'm not the only talking to myself all the time. 😉