Crunchy Chicken has issued a “Buy Nothing Challenge” for the month of April. The rules are fairly simple. You can buy food, medicine and absolute essentials but nothing else. I’d love to do something like this at some point but since we have a ten day trip to New Orleans this month (yay!) this isn’t a reasonable time for me to attempt it. If this idea sounds interesting to you, go read more about it. If you decide to do it, I’d love to hear about it. And if/when I attempt something like this, you can be sure I’ll be blogging about it.
April says
Sounds interesting but I live most of my life like this, lol.
Crunchy Chicken says
Well, you can always give it a try for the other 20 days, no?
As a fellow Deanna, I’m giving you special dispensation 🙂
-Deanna (aka Crunchy Chicken)
Deanna Piercy says
Okay, Crunchy Chicken, with fear and trepidation I accept your challenge and thank you for the special dispensation.