I haven’t done well keeping up with my blogs recently. I’ve had so much going on that I feel like I’m spread as thin as melted butter on hot toast. Our tree is up and has lights, angel on top and the tree skirt but no decorations. None of our other decorations are up yet, either. My Christmas newsletter is only about 3/4 done; shopping about the same. And we won’t even discuss the house cleaning that needs to be done.
I need a whole Saturday without interruptions to maybe get caught up. However, tomorrow we are driving to my brother and sister-in-law’s house (about 2 hours away) for a combination birthday party/early Christmas with their kiddos. And that sounds like a lot more fun than cleaning house. 🙂
My daughter has the following meme on her blog so I thought I’d use it here in place of a post of any real substance. Maybe next week I can get caught up and get back to regular blogging. Maybe…
1.) Have you started your Christmas shopping? Yes. The nieces and nephews are bought and wrapped. I have a few other items bought but still need to set aside a couple of hours to finish my online shopping. Amazon.com rocks!
2.) Tell me about one of your special traditions. My favorite holiday tradition is our church’s Christmas Eve service. The church is gorgeous anyway and with the Christmas decorations and candles in the windows, it’s breathtaking. The music is very special and the service always ends with the lights off and everyone holding a lit candle singing “Silent Night”. My adult kids continue to indulge me and attend with us. Then we take a family picture afterwards.
3.) When do you put up your tree? Sometime during the first couple of weeks of December. We put it up last Saturday but it’s not decorated yet. Chris’ birthday is January 10th and ever since he was a very little boy he has requested that we leave the tree up until after his birthday. And we always do.
4.) Are you a Black Friday shopper? Not at all, I’m not much of a shopper, period. (This was Lisa’s answer and it’s mine, too.)
5.) Do you travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay in town. We usually go to my cousins’ sometime on Christmas Eve and see my parents later on Christmas day but we are all in the same town.
6.) What is your funniest Christmas memory? I can’t really think of one right now so I’ll leave Lisa’s as my answer. “One day my mom and brother asked if I still believed in Santa because I was around 9 years old, well I hadn’t for years, honestly don’t remember when I did believe but I faked it because I was the youngest and I was afraid if I didn’t believe we wouldn’t get the gifts that “Santa” brought. :)”
7.) What is your favorite Christmas movie of all time? “It’s A Wonderful Life”. We always watch it as a family after we get the tree up.
8.) Do you do your own Christmas baking? What’s your favorite treat? I do a little baking, at least for parties or other gatherings we attend. I don’t usually bake stuff just for us for no occasion, though. Favorite treat? Hmm…I’ve had a hankering for homemade chocolate chip cookies and finally got some organic chocolate chips yesterday so I’ll go with that.
9.) Fake or real tree? We switched to an artificial tree after Lisa’s first Christmas which she spent wheezing. Now I wouldn’t go back. It’s very convenient, I can put it up and take it down whenever I want and no shedding needles.
10.) What day (as a mom) does the actual panic set in to get it all done? My kids are grown so there’s perhaps a little less pressure. Very little. Panic set in today.
11.) Are you still wrapping presents on Christmas Eve? No.
12.) What is your favorite family fun time at Christmas? Watching “It’s a Wonderful Life”. It doesn’t feel like Christmas until we do that. Must find time for it soon!
13.) What Christmas craft do you like the best? I’m not much of a craft-y type. I love decorating my home, writing our Christmas newsletter and cooking but really don’t have a lot of interest in Christmas crafts.
14.) Christmas music? Yes or No. And if yes, What is your favorite song? Love Christmas music. O, Holy Night is my favorite (I must have raised her right; this was my daughter’s answer and it’s mine, too.)
15.) When do you plan to finish all your shopping? I plan to complete gifts orders within the next 2-3 days. That will just leave stocking stuffers for the kids. David and I have a tradition of going out to dinner and shopping for the stockings together. We then drive through the park to see the Christmas lights.
Any blogger is welcome to participate in this meme, even if you haven’t been tagged yet. Just simply copy and paste the questions into your blog, and then answer them. Then tag 5 or more of your favorite blogs, and leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged.
When you post your blog, please spread some Christmas cheer, and leave a link back to Heather’s Top Ten Christmas Blog, and the blog that you were tagged by.
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