I mentioned my new blog in the last post and want to say just a bit more about it. You know, sort of whet your appetite. “Tea With Dee” has been and will continue to be random stuff I want to share with no real focus. I have tried (most of the time) to avoid controversial topics here because I want this blog to make my readers feel like they have dropped by my house for a little visit. I don’t want to serve up a heavy dose of thought-provoking or challenging ideas with the tea and cookies. I just want to sit and chat a bit. Share a funny story, some pictures, a cute video I found, etc.
But I keep thinking of things I want to say, ideas I want to explore, challenging articles I run across that I would like to share, and other potentially controversial topics. So that is why I’ll be starting a new blog. “Tea With Dee” will remain a comfortable place where you can see what we are having for dinner (I’m always surprised to learn that people find that of interest) or read the latest of our pirate escapades. While keeping the same general tone, I do have some ideas I’d like to add in the coming year and you’ll be hearing more about that soon. And tomorrow I’ll tell you a bit more about the new blog, including the name.
So tune in tomorrow…same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!
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