Today is Black Friday and great masses of humanity (?) began descending upon retail establishments as early as yesterday evening, before the dishes were even washed after the annual Thanksgiving feast. In addition to the usual pushing and shoving, reports are surfacing of fights, tasering and even pepper spray! I tell you, people are nuts. There are many reasons I wouldn’t dream of shopping on Black Friday, one of which is that I really don’t want my opinion of people to drop any further. If I personally witnessed these crazypants examples of creed and stupidity I think I’d have to seriously consider following Thoreau’s example and go live by myself in the woods. Well, I’d take my family (some of them) but you know what I mean.
Today is also Buy Nothing Day and that, my friends, is an event I heartily endorse. For one single day of the year can’t we get off the consumerism carousel and just be? Yesterday we gave thanks for all our blessings but today we are supposed to go out and buy more stuff? That just doesn’t make sense to me.
One of my friends posted this quote today:
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