David had to go to town to wash his truck so he offered to pick up the items I needed. Here is what I sent him for:
Braums (regional dairy store):
cheddar cheese (8 oz.) – $1.59
1/2 gal. milk – $1.99
3 pk. tri-color peppers – $2.99
2 baking potatoes – $1.22
1 roma tomato – $.29
3 bananas – $.83
bag of spring greens – $2.19
total with tax – $12.04
He also picked up a bag of pine shavings for the chicken coop for $4.99 + tax.
Today’s expenditures – $17.45
Total – $28.71
Edited to add: I forgot to mention what we ate today. I made sandwiches from the leftover chicken in Parisian wine sauce from Friday night. I also heated up and we finished off the mashed potato casserole and glazed carrots (just a little of each left). I had brought home the leftover bruschetta from dinner last night so I heated those up, too. Basically, we finished off some leftovers but it was still a very nice lunch.
For dinner tonight I sautéed a couple of tablespoons of chopped onion in a bit of olive oil then added the last of the bbq boneless ribs from the other night (cut up) and the cooking juice. I added a small can of tomato sauce, brought to a boil and simmered awhile then added about 2/3 of a cup of frozen corn shortly before serving. David and I each had a nice big bowl of this along with a leftover roll from dinner last night (Chris ate out with a friend). It was rich and filling, plus I cleared out the last of the leftovers.
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