Here it is after 10:30 p.m. Saturday night and I’m just now getting this posted. That probably tells you what this week has been like. David had a health scare Sunday night and then my daughter ended up in the E.R. with a gallbladder attack early Monday morning. Her husband had a doctor’s appointment and business meetings so we went in to stay with her when he needed to leave. David was out of town on business Tuesday through late Thursday night. I had a hair appointment Wednesday. Thursday evening I spent 4+ hours interviewing candidates for the director’s position for the local homeless services organization. Friday night we went out to dinner with our kids and then to listen to live music. One of “our” musicians is moving to Memphis and this was his last local show. This afternoon David received sad news about one of his employees. Then we went out to a local coffee shop as another one of our bands was playing. Afterwards we went to the grocery store and then the liquor store because we were out of wine and Bailey’s. Which we’re going to need if next week is anything like this one was. I cooked dinner and we finished eating and cleaning the kitchen at around 8:30. I’ve been working on some things (including this post) ever since.
I don’t mind admitting that I’m about worn out. Virtually every night for the past two weeks there has been something which has kept me from getting even my usual inadequate amount of sleep. As soon as I post this I’m going to make myself a cup of tea, read awhile in my library and then go to bed. We’ve got church in the morning. Afterwards we will go out for lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. And then we are going to the movies. Our local theater is showing “Home Alone”. Can you believe it’s the 25th anniversary of that movie?! I’m really looking forward to watching it on the “big screen”.
So, let’s get on with this week’s review:
On the blog:
- Menu Monday –
- Music Monday ~ Drifting Blues – Music by John Lee Hooker
- National Sandwich Day – From bologna and cheese to the “Thanksgiving Sandwich” – several of my favorites
- Dee’s Favorite Homemaking Books – Several of my favorites
- Timely Tunes – Julien Baker, Grimes, Beach Slang and Oneohtrix Point Never,
- Simplicity, Work, and Enjoyment – Sometimes the “world is too much with us” and I long for simpler times. And yet I also love modern technology. How does one embrace a simple life in these modern times? How do we achieve balance?
On the Facebook Page:
- Thanksgiving Planner Printables by Retro Housewife Goes Green
- 15 Hacks to Make the Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie
- 17 Pioneering Facts About Little House on the Prairie
- How the Great Sandwich War of 1958 Changed the Way We Eat
- Cranberry Brie Dip by The Glamorous Housewife
- Crockpot Apple Butter With Canning Instructions by A Modern Homestead
- Mashed Potato Cinnamon Rolls
- Musings of a Vintage Mummy by Brocante Home
YouTube Video of the Week:
“Goodbye Kitchen Clutter!”
Don’t be surprised if I write a post about my own kitchen clutter this coming week.
Podcast of the Week:
So that about wraps things up for this week. I hope to get some household projects done this coming week. I managed to work in a couple this week – mostly whenever I was procrastinating on writing. I cleaned and re-organized one of the shelves in the linen closet. I also cleaned the windowsill and shelves on either side of my kitchen window. I still haven’t finished putting up our fall decorations, though. If I don’t hurry I might as well wait and decorate for Christmas. Ha!
Well, have a wonderful rest-of-the-weekend and enjoy some unplugged downtime tomorrow. That’s what I’ll be doing!
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You had quite a week… I’m exhausted just reading about it!
Hope this week is a better one, and you have time to rest and relax.
I’m tired from living it. Ha! I’d like to say this week is less busy but it’s not looking that way.