Ever since I can remember, houses have fascinated me. I’ve been binge-watching Gilmore Girls before the new episodes come out and I have fallen in love with Lorelai’s and Rory’s house. That made me think about other television and movie houses I love. So here, in no particular order, are my favorite houses from television and the movies.
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Favorite Television Houses
Gilmore Girls
I love the quirky, eclectic, vintage look of this house. They aren’t the best housekeepers but it still looks like a fun and cozy place to hang out and eat junk food.
“Gilmore Girls”: Lorelai’s House
The Waltons
I have fond memories of watching The Waltons with my grandma. While the Walton house doesn’t really resemble my grandparents’ house something about it still evokes the comfort I felt there as a child. My favorite part was the kitchen with the long table where the entire family gathered each day for meals.
The Donna Reed Show
This was the perfect 50s home, comfortable yet conducive to more formal living, too.
Favorite Movie Houses
Something’s Gotta Give
Not only is this an absolutely delightful romantic comedy, that Hamptons beach house is perfection. A huge kitchen, lots of windows, traditional yet comfortable. By the way, the soundtrack for this movie is wonderful. I love to play it in the kitchen while cooking dinner and sipping a glass of wine.
The Holiday
There are plenty of reasons to love this romantic comedy. But the perfect English stone cottage which Amanda (played by Cameron Diaz) trades her L.A. home for is definitely near the top of my list.
Under the Tuscan Sun
Is there anyone who doesn’t harbor a secret fantasy of remodeling an old house? And if that house is in Tuscany? Sign the papers and hand me a sledge hammer.

Gone With the Wind
I’ve always been a sucker for the architecture of the old South and Tara embodies the best of it. When I was going into high school my parents built a beautiful house for our family. Unlike the typical flat-roofed stucco houses of the California desert where we lived, this was a two-story white Colonial with white columns across the front. Situated high on a hill, it was quite visible and much talked about. My maiden name is West and one of my high school teachers referred to our house as “Tara West”.

Midnight in Paris
Gertrude Stein’s house served as a gathering place for artists and writers in Paris. The walls were covered to the ceiling with paintings. But more than the art, it was the people who gathered there who imbued the space with its inimitable sense of style.

Colorful and quirky…Amelie’s apartment is full of Parisian charm.
You Can’t Take it With You
This is one of my very favorite plays and movies. The house provides a backdrop for the quirky family who inhabits it. Spacious but not pretentious, the house provides room for all the various interests and hobbies of the eccentric Sycamore family.
I could list many others and may very well do a “part 2” someday. As I said, I really have a thing for houses. So tell me, what are your favorite television or movie houses?
I will agree the house in the movie The Holiday was amazing.
Wasn’t it? I could totally spend a winter curled up in front of that fireplace.
I loved Julia Robert’s house in Sleeping with the Enemy. That porch…absolute perfection.
I haven’t seen that movie so I looked it up. What a view! I would love to live on the beach…as long as I had it to myself. Ha!