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Forever Chic
Chapter Five:
Le Régime
The Art of Eating Well
Ask most anyone what aspect of the stereotypical “French woman” is most envied and I would wager the #1 response is the ability to stay slim despite all that delicious French food and wine. Or is that just me? Non, I’m sure it’s not.
In Chapter Five, author Tish Jett delves into this mystery. Yes, French women do indulge in cheese, wine, chocolate, etc. However it’s not quite as mysterious as it seems. There are any number of little tricks the average French woman uses to keep her svelte figure.
Here are some of my favorites from this chapter:
- Minimal snacking. The French as a whole discourage indiscriminate snacking between meals. Even children are generally expected to follow a three-meal-a-day eating routine, with perhaps a small, planned afternoon snack (le goûter).
- Plenty of fruits and vegetables. Healthy eating is important and by filling up on fruits and veggies, which are generally low in calories, one will consume fewer calories overall.
- Mindful eating. Make deliberate choices, eat sitting down, and truly focus on your meals.
- A first course of salad or soup. This is something I’ve found to be truly helpful. We don’t do it all the time, or even most of the time, but when I serve a salad or something else as a first course, I find that we eat less overall. Tonight, for instance, I’m serving artichokes as an appetizer. Experience has taught me that we will be full on smaller portions of the main course.
- Enjoy your food. This is my absolute favorite tip. Food should be delicious and it should bring true pleasure. Don’t eat just to eat. Prepare delicious meals and then take the time to savor them. And if you decide to indulge in a piece of dark chocolate, don’t feel guilty. Eat it slowly, perhaps with a cup of tea, and enjoy every tiny bite.
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