This year is just zipping along, isn’t it? I can’t believe we are only 12 days away from Thanksgiving. Our extended family will be celebrating together the evening of Thanksgiving. One of my cousins generously opens her home for this gathering almost every year. There are quite a few of our usual group who will be out of town this year yet we are still expecting around 35. Fortunately our family has always done holiday meals as a potluck. A couple of years ago I found the website Perfect Potluck which makes it really easy to cover all our bases and make sure we don’t end up with four pans of sweet potatoes and no cranberry sauce.
Speaking of cranberry sauce, that’s one of the items I signed up to bring. I grew up on the canned stuff but several years ago I made some from scratch and was astounded by how easy it is to make. And so much better! Here is the link to how I make mine:
I will also be bringing a big pan of homemade dressing. I’ve made this in a variety of ways, largely because I keep forgetting what recipe I used the year before. It’s always been good, though. We have some people in the family who actually like Stove Top Stuffing and someone usually brings some of that, too. Personally, I prefer the real stuff. This year I will try to remember to photograph the finished product and write a recipe post. If you have a favorite recipe I’d love to see it. Leave me a comment.
Chances are I’ll end up bringing something else, too. Maybe I’ll try this recipe for Sweet Potato Creme Brulee.
In addition to the big family gathering I will also host a Thanksgiving meal in my home. I don’t know yet when that will take place or just who will be here. I’ll make sure it’s a time when our kids can be here and my niece and her boyfriend, as well. Hopefully my parents will be able to join us, too. It can be a lot of work to pull off a big Thanksgiving meal but spending time with my family is important. Besides, the leftovers make it all worthwhile!
Here are the links to some of my usual holiday recipes:
- How to cook a turkey
- Homemade Cranberry Sauce
- Mashed Potatoes
- Homemade Gravy
- Green Bean Casserole
- Layered Salad
- Pumpkin Bread
- Oatmeal Pumpkin Cookies
So, what are your Thanksgiving plans this year? Do you have any favorite holiday recipes you’d like to share?
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