Almost everyone I know watched it. Not me though, I listened to the first 2 disks of "A Princess Of Landover" then caught up on blogs instead. Yeah, I know… But I've been dying to get my hands on that book since I got the first 5 in the series a couple of years ago! I know the olympics is a big event and all, but I can't find it in me to be all that interested in sporting events – even ones this big. I paid attention to when the torch came through here because I wanted photos of it to post, but I'm afraid that was the extent of my interest in paying attention (hence my not knowing about the record breaker you told me about on Facebook). I figure if I need to know something someone will tell me, and that way I can do things that I consider more fun… Like attending tea parties!
We all have different interests. I'm not much of a sports nut in general but for some reason the Olympics are different for me. I just love the idea of athletes from all over the world coming together to showcase their talent, while putting aside political differences for a couple of weeks. Plus, my family always watched together when I was a kid so I have fond memories of those times.
I haven't heard of "A Princess of Landover" but I'll have to check it out.
Almost everyone I know watched it. Not me though, I listened to the first 2 disks of "A Princess Of Landover" then caught up on blogs instead. Yeah, I know… But I've been dying to get my hands on that book since I got the first 5 in the series a couple of years ago! I know the olympics is a big event and all, but I can't find it in me to be all that interested in sporting events – even ones this big. I paid attention to when the torch came through here because I wanted photos of it to post, but I'm afraid that was the extent of my interest in paying attention (hence my not knowing about the record breaker you told me about on Facebook). I figure if I need to know something someone will tell me, and that way I can do things that I consider more fun… Like attending tea parties!
We all have different interests. I'm not much of a sports nut in general but for some reason the Olympics are different for me. I just love the idea of athletes from all over the world coming together to showcase their talent, while putting aside political differences for a couple of weeks. Plus, my family always watched together when I was a kid so I have fond memories of those times.
I haven't heard of "A Princess of Landover" but I'll have to check it out.