Well, I obviously didn’t get this blog up and running on the first and am only barely making it on the second. I suppose it’s just as well. Wouldn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up as to how this blog will operate. “As the mood strikes” is my blogging motto.
My plans are to start posting my favorite recipes here, with tags that will make them easy to locate. I will also be sharing links to other food-related blogs and websites, food information and cookbook recommendations. And on that note:
I’ve been wanting to own the two volume set of Julia Child’s “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” for ages but until fairly recently, all I could find were individual copies rather than a matched set. Then my fellow foodie-friend, Caleb, posted a link to Amazon on my Facebook page telling me to get myself over there and order these (they are offering them at an amazing price!). Ever obedient (quit laughing), I immediately did so and now I’m the proud owner of these lovely cookbooks. They even match the colors in my kitchen. I can hardly wait to start reading them and perhaps even cooking some of the recipes. Caleb and I have had one cook-off so far and I suspect we will have a few more. What do you say, Caleb?
So, what are your favorite cookbooks? Do you read them for fun like I do? Do you actually follow recipes as written or do you take the pirate approach and view them as “more of what you call guidelines than actual rules”?
Caleb says
Yay for Julia! I'm down for another cookoff. I'm always down for a cookoff.
As for your question about cookbooks, I'm assuming that "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" will become a quick favorite. One of my favorites that I already have is "The Silver Spoon," published by Phaidon. It's a standard of Italian cooking that was only recently translated into English. I enjoy reading it, not for the exact recipes, but for inspiration in the kitchen.
Deanna says
I'll have to take a look at that one. Bring it over sometime. In fact, we ought to compare cookbook collections and see which we might want to add to our own.