Today, September 8, 2015, is International Literacy Day. In honor and observation, our church dedicated a “Little Free Library” this morning in a small, local park.
Little Free Libraries and how they began:
In the beginning—2009–Todd Bol of Hudson, Wisconsin, built a model of a one room schoolhouse as a tribute to his mother, a former school teacher who loved reading. He filled it with books and put it on a post in his front yard. His neighbors and friends loved it. He built several more and gave them away. Each one had a sign that said FREE BOOKS. (read more here)
When I first began reading about these Little Free Libraries a few years ago I was enchanted with the idea. I’m a book lover myself and the idea of sharing books freely makes me so happy. The one dedicated this morning is in a low-income area with lots of children. I’m so hopeful that they will discover this little treasure and spend many a happy hour lost in the world of books. I’m going to go through the boxes of children’s books I have stored away from my kids’ childhoods and begin donating some of them to this Little Free Library. I’m sure I can find a few of my own to part with, too.
Happy International Literacy Day!
Lisa Sharp says
I love that we have one in our town now!
Deanna Piercy says
Me, too. It’s such a good idea.
Iris Dondlinger says
I love Little Free Libraries. We are blessed to have approximately 50 in our city. Two are within walking distance of our home.
Deanna Piercy says
50! Wow, that is wonderful. I hope other groups will decide to put up more in our town. This was the first.
Jen C says
I love these libraries! Would love to have one in my neighborhood.
Deanna Piercy says
Aren’t they cool?