24 Ways to Live a French Inspired Life
Slow down and savor life
The French truly know how to slow down and savor each moment. This was especially evident to me when dining in French restaurants. The servers don’t rush you through your courses so they can turn tables. This is just one example of the French mindset. Life is to be enjoyed, not hurried through so you can get to the next thing.
Eat mindfully
Food is a true pleasure for the French and they are determined to enjoy every bite. Meals are eaten à la table in France, not in the car or while hunched over a computer at work. No, they take proper breaks for meals and savor the experience.
Choose quality over quantity
Fewer but better clothes, smaller portions of really delicious food, beautifully appointed but smaller apartments or houses…the French place greater value on quality than abundance.
The Importance of Quality over Quantity
Enjoy the occasional treat
Life is too short to deprive yourself of things you really enjoy. So have that special dessert when you go out (maybe split it with your partner?). Indulge in a bit of quality chocolate now and then. A healthy diet can absolutely include the occasional treat.
Be a flâneur
Flâneur: someone who walks around not doing anything in particular but watching people and society. (Cambridge Dictionary)
Ambling about the streets of Paris soaking up the atmosphere can be a true art form. But you don’t have to be in Paris to enjoy being a flâneur. Try strolling the streets of your own city or town. When traveling, don’t plan every minute of your trip. Instead, allow ample time to simply walk about enjoying the experience.
Embrace the arts and culture
Take time to visit museums, read fine literature, listen to classical music, study philosophy and otherwise appreciate the arts. It will give you a deeper understanding of the world around you.
A deep appreciation and respect for the arts is common throughout France. Children are taught at a young age to appreciate artistry and be patient since quality work (such as art or cuisine) may take time to produce. This appreciation generally follows a person throughout their life. Cultural Atlas
This is why I started the LWD Art Appreciation monthly series here on the blog. The arts enrich our lives.
Spend your Sundays like the French
Sundays are sacred in France but not necessarily in a religious way. Rather, the weekly time off to relax and enjoy quiet family time is revered and protected. Shops are generally closed, at least after noon. This is the day for a long, leisurely lunch with the family and maybe a nap. However you choose to spend your Sundays, be sure it provides respite and a chance to connect.
How to Spend a Sunday in Paris
Up your conversation game
Conversation is a true art in France. In general, the French eschew banal small talk in favor of meatier topics. In the 18th century prominent French women organized “salons” hosted in private homes.
Individuals who attended often discussed literature or shared their views and opinions on topics from science to politics. The salons consequently became an important source of political ideas and revolutionary sentiment. Alpha History
While we may not have access to French salons, we can learn to have more meaningful conversations.
How to Master the Art of Conversation
Read more
One way to have those meaningful conversations mentioned above is to read more. France is a nation of readers:
A study in 2019 from the Centre National du Livre shows that 92% of French people read at least one book a year, and 88% of people read as a hobby. The Connexion
Try to substitute reading for a portion of the time you’d normally spend online. And then talk about what you’re reading with friends!
Take care of your skin
The typical French woman places a lot of emphasis on good skin and is willing to time and money on it. If your skin looks good you won’t need as much makeup.
Shop at your local farmers market
There are markets all over France most days of the week. The French woman slings her straw market basket over her shoulder and strolls to the nearest market for the freshest ingredients. Depending on where you live, you might try taking a page from the French homemaker’s book and do likewise. Even our small, rural town has a farmers market two mornings a week from May to October. Choose the best produce available and then plan your meals around your purchases.
Enjoy a glass of wine with your meals
The French are deservedly famous for their wines. If you consume alcohol, a small glass of wine with some of your meals can be a healthful practice and a lovely way to slow down and savor your food.
Practice energy efficiency and conservation
France is serious about its energy conservation efforts and this attitude can benefit us all. Consider driving a smaller, more fuel-efficient car. Monitor your home energy consumption and cut back where you can. Recycle, avoid single-use items and just do your part to respect the environment.
Don’t be afraid to age naturally and gracefully
The typical French woman doesn’t ignore the aging process. She is likely to make quite an effort to maintain her good looks, largely through meticulous skin care and maintaining her weight. But if she does decide to have plastic surgery or other procedures, her goal will be to have the results look as natural as possible. However, many eschew these treatments/procedures and instead, embrace the aging process with grace. That doesn’t mean “giving up”. No, she will continue to take excellent care of herself, use makeup artfully and dress in a flattering manner.
Aging Gracefully ~ How the French Woman Does It
Simplify your life
Most of us have allowed our lives to become way too complicated. Simplify where you can and then practice living in the moment. Truthfully, that’s all we have.
20 Easy Ways to Simplify Your Life
People watch at a café
Admittedly, this is not something most of us can do on a regular basis. But whenever you have the opportunity, order a coffee or tea and sit at a café (preferably outdoors) enjoying some people watching.
Find a signature perfume
If you haven’t done so already, consider finding your own signature perfume. There are a number of well-known French perfume brands to choose from if you’d like to truly embrace this French luxury. Although perhaps “luxury” is the wrong word choice. Don’t save perfume for special occasions. Every day is special!
The Scent of a Woman ~ My Signature Scent
Mind your manners
Disregard what you’ve likely heard about the French people being rude. That was not our experience at all when we went to Paris. On the contrary, we found everyone to be especially polite. In fact, it’s this focus on manners which can come off as rude to tourists who don’t understand the culture.
French Manners and Etiquette ~ A Brief Guide
Make coffee or tea drinking an art and a ritual
Rather than slurping down a Starbucks Venti sized coffee on the run, consider slowing down and creating a ritual around your coffee or tea drinking.
Create a Beautiful Life: Afternoon Tea Ritual
Pay attention to your appearance…but not too much
How do they do it? Those beautiful French women manage to look stylish but not overdone. Their hair often looks as though they rolled out of bed with that perfectly tousled mane. They may be wearing red lipstick but little other makeup. Their clothes manage to look casually perfect.
It surely takes effort to pull off the French woman look but they don’t seem to want it to look like they worked too hard to look beautiful.
Enjoy fresh flowers in your home
Fresh flowers aren’t just for special occasions. Even a small bouquet from the grocery store will elevate your home life.
Learn to say no (or non!)
Prioritize your needs, set boundaries and learn to say “no”.
“Non, ce n’est pas possible”, “cela risque d’être compliqué”, “c’est hors de question”, “je ne sais pas”, the French have a variety of ways to say no. Leonce Chenal
Practice discretion and cultivate a bit of mystery
French people tend to be somewhat reserved and private. Resist the urge to overshare and maintain an air of mystery. It’s very alluring.
Live each day with joie de vivre
There is much to appreciate and celebrate in our daily lives if only we look for it. Joie de vivre or “the joy of living” is an attitude worth cultivating. Consider adding some (or all) of these 24 tips to your life and you can experience a truly extraordinary, French-inspired life.
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Great post. I agree with your suggestions too.
Today I was running errands, and reminded myself to take care of my responsibilities in a slow, graceful way, so as not to be stressed. I smiled and chatted with people waiting in line to check out, and the wait didn’t seem so very long. Then, even though the grocery was crowded with shoppers and employees unpacking boxes everywhere, I decided it was going to be a nice, enjoyable experience. I got help from an employee to find the cheeses I needed for a new recipe — I’ve never made fondue before, and another person complimented my outfit.
Making the decision to do the things you have to do anyway, with calm and politeness really changes your experience.
Well said. Mindset really matters.