Every once in awhile I like to have a “Use It Up” week. It’s been awhile since I’ve done this in an intentional way. The holidays are coming up so I think this is a good time to take stock of what I have on hand, use up some perishables and just generally get a handle on the foodstuffs around here.
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Here is a list of ingredients I want to use up:
- Yukon Gold potatoes
- onion
- sweet peppers
- sweet potatoes
- spinach
- mixed greens
- eggs
- apples
- mandarin oranges
- partial loaf of Brioche
- open bottle of orange juice
- partial box of crackers
- partial package of Bourbon brats in freezer
- frozen peas
- frozen chicken breasts
- flour tortillas
- cheese
- tortilla chips
- salsa
- French toast
- bacon
- eggs
- orange juice
- coffee
We have a political organization cocktail party to attend from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. There will be some light finger foods so we’ll just eat a quick bowl of soup before we go.
- Homemade Tomato Soup
- crackers
- mandarin oranges
- spaghetti
- salad (made with spinach and mixed greens)
- peas
- French bread
- potatoes, peppers, onions and sliced brats
- salad
- apples
- barbecue chicken
- baked sweet potatoes
- corn
- biscuits
- sandwiches with leftover bbq chicken
- sweet potato fries
- apples
- quesadillas
- chips and salsa
- mandarin oranges
What’s cooking at YOUR house this week?
Do you want to eat a healthy, organic, grass fed diet but don’t think you can afford it? My friend, Victoria of A Modern Homestead, explains how they do it on less than $200 a month. Click here to find out how:
I am loving my Instant Pot. Not only is it a pressure cooker but it can also be used as a slow cooker. The best part is that it also has a sauté feature so I can brown meat in it first then switch to slow cooker. That means one less pan to wash…always a good thing!
This post is linked up at I’m an Organizing Junkie. Check it out for lots of great menu ideas!
Annette says
Sounds like a great clean out plan. I love breakfast for dinner but not so much everyone else in my household.
Deanna Piercy says
My guys love it. And for me…it’s the only time I’m inclined to eat breakfast. 😉
Tori says
I enjoy “use it up” weeks. It’s fun coming up with meal ideas with what you have on hand, plus it’s a good way to clear the cupboards and freezer from time to time. Your week sounds interesting. Hope you get to follow your menu this week.
Here’s my menu for this week:
Monday: Pineapple and cashew rice with sweet and sour sauce.
Tuesday: I’ve got loads to catch up on from being away all weekend, so I’m just going to order pizza.
Wennesday: Spiced pumpkin, carrot and sweet potato soup, served with fresh bread (since I never ended up making it last week).
Thursday: Vegetable pie with mashed potatoes and peas.
Friday: Leftovers from Thursday.
Saturday: Mushroom omlet with hash browns and baked beans.
Sunday: Nut cutlet with roast potatoes and mixed vegetables.
Deanna Piercy says
Sounds like you’ve got a great menu this week. Is the vegetable pie sort of like Shepherds Pie but minus the meat? I think I may have done something like that during the year we ate vegetarian.
Tori says
No. I do sometimes do a vegetarian shepherds’ pie, but in this case it’s the kind of pie involving pastry. The kind of pie that’s a quiche with a lid. It will have finely chopped vegetables and a vegetable gravy in it.
Deanna Piercy says
Ah, I see.