I have been involved in choirs of one sort or another ever since 7th grade. There is something special about blending one’s voice with others. For the past 15 years or so, I’ve been a member of our church choir. Not only do I enjoy the music but the fellowship we share is something I treasure. No matter how I am feeling before Wednesday night rehearsals, I know I will leave with joy in my heart. Tonight was one of those times when I especially needed to “make a joyful noise” with people I care about and who care about me.
Here is one of the songs we sang (different arrangement):
“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”~Berthold Auerbach
a2a_linkname=”Tea With Dee”;a2a_linkurl=”http://teawithdee.blogspot.com/”;
I would like to be in a choir, but I don't really think my tone is desirable..at all. Your choir director (I won't name any names..he he) laughed her rear off at me during a church service one time and I have yet to forget it. We still laugh about it to this day.
Have a lovely day, I'm off to TRY to finish painting my den walls. Wish me luck as I have my two year old AWAKE and "helping" me. *interesting it will be*
Katy, you shouldn't let your sister discourage you from singing…quietly. 😉
So how is the painting coming along? I miss your more frequent blog posts about your decorating projects. I've noticed that you share my love of the fleur de lis.
Hi. Really enjoying the blog, and thought I'd send along a link to some music-related videos you might like.
Music is so incredibly powerful, and can have such a positive impact on people’s lives. We’ve collected some music-related “aha moment” videos that are wonderful illustrations of this.
Have a look and vote for your favorites. There’s some really great stories in there.
Have a great night.