This was my view from our balcony early this morning and we got a couple more inches throughout the day. We had ice and sleet on the roads before the snow fell which made roads slick and hazardous. David waited until noon to check road conditions, made it about half way to work and decided it was too dangerous for his employees to be out on the roads.
He stopped at the little country story/gas station at the turn off to the town where he works and sat in his truck calling his employees to tell them to stay home. While sitting there he said he saw numerous people driving like idiots. One guy in a 4-wheel drive truck gunned it while pulling out and went slipping and sliding. People are so ridiculous sometimes.
So David did the wise thing and came back home where he, Chris and I have spent the rest of the day in a warm and cozy house just hanging out together. David has been playing video games, Chris worked on his annual “Best of the Year” song list, while I got a good portion of my Christmas shopping done (praise heaven for online shopping!) and played the piano.
It’s been a peaceful day and now I’m going to fix myself a cup of tea (or glass of wine if my blood pressure is high – been having some issues with that) and curl up in the library with a book. I’ve seen lots of people on Facebook complaining about feeling cooped up after just one day at home but I’m such a homebody/hermit that I’m perfectly content here. Good thing because we aren’t going anywhere for awhile!
*Reminder: Don’t forget about my giveaway!
I personally love to be snowed in…and now we have a gas stove a propane heater we can almost do this without electric…but it's nicer with especially when it comes to water!
that should read 'and a propane heater"…