Do you spring clean? For me it’s a hit-or-miss proposition. In recent years, mostly “miss”. I always have good intentions but then life gets in the way. I faced facts about a week ago and admitted that it isn’t going to happen this year. We will be in New Orleans this Friday through the 22nd or 23rd. I could try to convince myself that I’ll do it when we get home but I know that after I recover from our trip I’m going to have to get busy with gardening and chickens. We host our annual music festival on Memorial Day weekend and then some friends are getting married here a couple of weekends after that. That means my focus will need to be on outdoor tasks.
I could feel badly about this but I can’t honestly say that I do. I’ve lowered my standards quite a lot in recent years. I’m good about keeping things neat and keeping up with the usual cleaning so it’s not like I’m dealing with something like this:
Of course, many of our drawers, cupboards and closets could use some attention. In fact, my walk-in closet needs a major overhaul. The kitchen floors need a good waxing (David rents a machine and does it for me periodically). The windows could use polishing. There are any number of other cleaning or organizing tasks I can think of that could go on a spring cleaning list. And I will get to most of them at some point – probably as the result of some spur of the moment decision late at night when David is on a business trip and I can’t sleep.
For now, though, spring cleaning isn’t on my radar. I do like to leave my house in decent shape before a vacation so that is my focus this week before I leave Thursday afternoon to meet David in Houston. Today I did my usual Monday chores:
- wash sheets and remake the bed
- other laundry
- water houseplants (I have a LOT)
- refill the parakeet’s food and water
- tidy up after the weekend
I had a meeting this evening and have also spent a fair amount of time getting some guest posts ready for my Dee’s Kitchen blog. It’s 10 p.m. as I’m writing this sentence so I’m not likely to get a whole lot more done tonight other than putting the clean sheets back on the bed. I’ll have the ironing board out to iron the pillowcases so I’ll also iron the cloth napkins which I washed. And as I look at the state of my desk I do believe I ought to take 10 minutes and get it back in order and dusted. But that’s probably it.
I’ll check in tomorrow evening to let you know how it went. That is, if I haven’t worked myself into a state of exhaustion. In the meantime, leave me a comment and tell me whether or not you do an organized spring clean. I especially want to hear from those of you who don’t. I’d like to know I’m not the only one. Ha!
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