Anyone who lives in an agricultural area, especially one that has experienced drought, knows that you never complain about the rain. Just last summer we had a very serious shortage of rain that left crops shriveled up, a lack of sufficient hay for livestock, and contributed to many grassfires in the area. So far that is not the case this year. In the past two days alone we have had at least 8 inches of rain. The ground was already saturated so we’ve experienced flooding unlike anything I’ve ever seen in this area. We weren’t personally affected by this other than the ankle deep water and mud I must slog through to get to the chicken pen and the horse corral. That’s no big deal in light of the washed out roads and bridges and flooded homes in the area. I just want to be very clear that I’m not complaining, just in case the rain gods are reading my blog, and I would like to think someone is. However, a few days of dry weather (mind you, I said *days*, not all summer) might be nice. If I don’t get my garden planted in the next few days I might as well forget it for the year. And perhaps I will do just that. But then I start thinking about how good a just picked, still warm from the vine tomato tastes and think that I really should at least plant a few tomato plants if nothing else. I guess we’ll have to see what the rain gods decide over the next few days. I’ll let you know because I’m sure both of you reading this are greatly interested in my meager agricultural pursuits.
Somehow, I missed the change in names of your blog and bloglines dropped it! Took me until today to find you!
We’ve had one inch of rain here in the past 2 months — my cows are so hungry. We have a 30% chance today and 50% chance tomorrow, so here’s hoping.
Could you blow some of that rain over towards central Ohio? We are parched here! All the lawns are brown, no matter how much we water them. Last night we were teased by rumbling thunder. Nothing but drops fell. Wah!