I took this last week but it doesn’t begin to do justice to the way the sky looked that evening. Oklahoma is often blessed with some glorious sunsets. [Posted with iBlogger from my iPhone]
Photo-A-Day Challenge: Day 19 “Candy Canes”
I stuck these organic candy canes from the Natural Candy Store in the cups *before* I poured in the boiling water which explains why they are so short – they had melted by the time I could get out my phone to take the picture. And this is totally unrelated to the photo challenge but I…
A good day and a new start…
Yesterday my mom and I drove to Tulsa. My sister-in-law had told us about “Fleet Feet”, a store specializing in athletic shoes, as well as inserts to help correct foot problems. She had finally convinced my brother to give it a try and he was amazed at how much it helped. Mom and I decided…