This Week With Dee – where I share our menu, my planned home tasks for the week, what I’m reading, self care plans and more. I hope it will give you some ideas for planning your own week or at least a glimpse of one homemaker’s life.
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Hello, my friends! I hope you are enjoying a warm and sunny day like we are. Or at least, you see nicer days on the horizon. The onset of springtime always lightens my mood. We have a return to cooler days later this week but for today, I’m soaking it all up. In fact, David and I went to town for lunch on a restaurant patio. The weather was perfect and yet we were the only ones eating outdoors. I really don’t understand that. But I can’t say I mind having the patio to ourselves. We will be taking advantage of the weather to grill hamburgers for dinner tonight.
- burgers on the grill
- french fries
- salad
- tacos
- refried beans
- chips & salsa
- sweet & sour pork chops
- rice
- roasted vegetables
- salad
- spaghetti & meatballs
- broccoli
- salad
- garlic toast
- Swiss Steak in Sour Cream (from vintage cookbook; will share recipe later)
- baked lima beans (from vintage cookbook; will share later)
- mashed potatoes
- salad
- leftovers
- quesadillas
- tomato soup
I can’t say I did everything on my list last week but I did the important things. I wrote several blog posts. In addition to the usual daily housework, I cleaned the window over the kitchen sink. I have several plants in the window and I noticed a few little cobwebs behind some of them. I took everything out, wiped the windowsill, cleaned the window and replaced the plants. A tiny task that I accomplished in the time it took to boil water and brew a cup of tea. Do you ever do things like that? It’s like a little challenge for me to see what I can accomplish while making tea. I find there are many things that can be done in five minutes:
- switch a load of laundry from washer to dryer
- fold a load of laundry
- empty the dishwasher
- sweep the kitchen
- windex the storm door
- do a quick feather dusting of a room or two
Drink enough tea and you can accomplish a lot over the course of a week – ha!
David had a nuclear stress test in Oklahoma City Friday afternoon. We decided to stay at a hotel that night since we were already up there. We haven’t heard any results from the test so I’m hoping no news is good news. He does see his cardiologist later this month to go over the findings.
The main household task I’d like to get down this week is to do a thorough mopping of the entry hall, kitchen, laundry room and guest bathroom. I still need to make a master list of spring cleaning tasks, too.
I have several Zoom calls/meetings this week. In addition to this blog post I’ve at least one more I hope to post this week. Later today or tomorrow at the latest, I’ll send out the March newsletter. If you aren’t subscribed, you can sign up at the end of this post.
I finished the Langston Hughes poetry book and the Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning book arrived a couple of days ago. I started it this morning. The rest of my readings are the same as last week:
My morning books:
1. The Road to La Papillon: Daily Meditations on True Contentment by Shannon Ables
2. The Living Bible – The Book of Common Prayer daily lectionary readings
3. Daring to Be Yourself by Alexandra Stoddard
And I still haven’t read anymore in The Custom of the Country. I must get that done so I can move on to this month’s book club selection – Wild, Beautiful, and Free.
Last week I had intended to do a manicure and pedicure. I only managed to add a quick second coat to my toenails before we went to the city Friday. So I’m keeping that on my list for this week.
David and I are doing pretty well on the no-sugar thing for Lent. I feel like I’ve just about broken the sugar cravings.
This week I am working on adding a bit more physical activity. I’d like to get on the treadmill for 15-20 minutes after dinner each night. Let’s see if I can follow through!
I’m hoping it will be warm enough tonight for me to do a bit of stargazing. I didn’t color or start a puzzle last week so I’ll make another stab at those.
Still working on the water drinking goal!
What’s on your plan for the week ahead? Home tasks? Menu? Fun? What are you reading?
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Tori says
I hope it is a case of no news is good news with the test. And, I agree: those short tasks you can do while waiting for the kettle are great, and they all add up. They’re how I get anything at all done some days.
Last week did not go to plan. My blog post from Friday gives you an idea of why. On the bright side, I got a good chunk of reading done over the weekend while recovering from it.
As for this week…
I have a Zoom call every week: Harry Potter crafting on Monday. a cooking call I do every week on Tuesday (though we have a guest this week, so I could just sit back and enjoy my tea while on the call for the most part). Facilitating ACB Presents (the daily schedule and question call for the ACB community calls) on Wednesday. Loom knitting on Thursday. Reading the schedule for ACB Presents on Friday. A crochet call on Saturday. And attending someone else’s cooking call on Sunday. Other than those it’s just daily household tasks. At least, that’s the plan. I’m hoping this means plenty of time to catch up with a few emails and blog posts, and to relax and read.
And here’s my menu for the week. Obviously my meals will be veganized versions of things that would usually contain non-vegan ingredients (I mean vegan cheese when I say “cheese” for example).
Monday: vegetable stew with bread (since I didn’t end up making it last week).
Tuesday: leftovers.
Wednesday: poutine.
Thursday: baked potato with cheese and chives, plus salad.
Friday: pasta with sauce.
Saturday: jackfruit burgers with salad.
Sunday: pancakes with fruit and syrup.
Deanna Piercy says
It sounds like another full week. Hope it all goes to plan this time.
Tori says