Last night we saw the movie “The Social Network”, which was excellent. It was still early when the movie let out so we went to the North Lounge for a drink and a snack. A friend was there alone, having just gotten off work, and we joined him. Shortly after we got there, George, the restaurant owner, came over to say hello. He asked if we were coming to the party at his house the next day. We hadn’t heard anything about it. He said they were having their employees and some friends over to barbecue and that we should come. And so we did. The picture above is of George and the son of one of the bartenders. I thought it was sweet and snapped a photo.
Over the course of the afternoon close to 30 people eventually showed up. The weather was perfect and it was one of those totally relaxed outdoor gatherings. Food, wine, friends and s’mores. What else do you need?
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